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Everything posted by Guiltynotguilty81

  1. These are approx 1/2”, I think the one on the right is alley? The other two not sure at all
  2. I could make a guess but that’s all it would be! 21/32”
  3. Interesting, never considered master but definitely a possibility. The white does look transparent but I can’t say for sure. Will take a closer look thanks!
  4. Or something else??? Opaque, slightly under 5/8
  5. Champion? Really not sure about this one, just over 5/8
  6. There is white mixed in with red and yellow that’s barely visible. Ideas? Just under 21/32
  7. Just over 5/8” each. Any help appreciated
  8. Ty I thought so the poles and color combos threw me off. Interesting little guy thanks !
  9. I love it , it’s a keeper . Thanks for the help (and you can call me Lauren 😊)
  10. vitro characteristics but clear blue base? 5/8 Base could just be clear and reflecting the blue but I can’t tell for sure 5/8 thank you 😊
  11. Ive owned two the color is what gives it away (teal/green) it’s hard to notice the aventurine. The more black you can find the better. Nice find!
  12. If I can manage better pics I will. Thanks for the help!
  13. The bigger one is approx 11/16 and red orange one 5/8 maybe different makers? thanks for any help!
  14. Thank you for this! I will add anything I learn to this thread. Having my Indian friend do some digging as well
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