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  1. Oh didn't realize that. Thanks for asking. Guess I need to post more!
  2. I'm not sure what happened to the marbles I was supposed to get. The seller told me they were about to be sent out a few times before offering a refund when I asked again. I glad to end it at that. It could be a common amber slag. Ive only been collecting 6 months or so. The seller seemed to think it was german. The way the white swirled was reminiscent of some german swirls to me but slags have swirls too I guess.
  3. I won a group of marbles off Facebook but was sent the wrong group. I particularly liked one of them. After notifying the seller of his mistake I asked if the intended winner would sell it to me. They didn't want to which I understood so I went ahead and forwarded it to them. I never got the group I was supposed to get, but the seller did refund me and reimburse me for shipping it to the correct person. I did like it a lot though and would like to get my hands on another. I didn't take pictures when I had it so hopefully the sellers will work. It's the brown one in this group. Caramel? butterscotch? custard? What is this marble? Thanks marble mind.
  4. Wondering If I should buy this German M.F. Christensen Akro Agate 🙃
  5. I had already mixed them in with my other swirls. I pulled out the ones I thought looked Heaton plus the four you mentioned.
  6. Read through that other thread. Would be exciting to be Heaton. I don't know much about them. I'll read more. Is it possible for someone to mark which swirls are suspected Heaton's? I would like to pull them out of the mix. Thanks for all the info so far!
  7. Thanks Dave. There's some wounded warriors too
  8. Both I think, but mostly cleaning. I rinsed them but I've seen people talk about soaking them in something?
  9. First row: Vitro helmets, Second row: unknown, Vitro? Bottom row: back of the ones I posted earlier as Vitro Aquamarines
  10. Thanks! Will keep adding pics. Even the game marbles have some character.
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