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Everything posted by wormie

  1. 🧐 pretty confident the red tan and white is alley it's a bit out of round.the blue is making me wonder a bit any help would be great thank you.
  2. Fantastic!!!! Congratulations πŸŽ‰
  3. A nugget of gold for me to find ,glad someone else can appreciate the simple mibs and a piece of the past like I do😁
  4. Thank you ron.i like it for the original aspect.i payed 3.00 for a butter tub of solids and these were on top when I opened the lid.thanks for confirming 😊
  5. Thanks for the info that's great news.im very happy with my purchase then 😁
  6. wormie

    4 swirls

    Im sure if Ron sees this he can definitely let you know 😁
  7. wormie

    4 swirls

    I don't know if it's the lighting drowning it out but the color opposite of the blue looks grey and not pink to me for a blue lady.
  8. I normally don't mess around with header bags knowing they are usually fantasy bags with jabos in them,but I couldn't pass this one up for 3.00 I think it will display well.just wondering if it may be an original just out of curiosity sake.
  9. I'm getting JABO vibes on both of these any ideas thank you.
  10. Thank you sir,I appreciate the response and thoughts as always Ron.
  11. Thank you I was just wondering with all the views and no guesses I thought maybe it was the photos.thank you for taking a stab at it πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ
  12. Should I take some different photos with different angles?
  13. For some reason I'm feeling JABO on this,the glass is very clear and the color is exceptionally bright.
  14. Thank you guys,I forgot about the lashes seamπŸ™ˆ thank you for the input ☺️ and help!
  15. Looking at the cut lines and I'm a bit thrown off on this one any help is appreciated πŸ™‚
  16. I received this and one other drizzle and a few other non drizzles on a trade.they believed them both to be alley.the brown one I feel confident enough to call alley,the blue is the mib in question.thank you for your time and thoughts as always 😁
  17. Thanks Ron appreciate the response and knowledge as always!
  18. Oh ya I heard this term before thanks.i was sure it was a JABO!
  19. This one has some battle damage I like the colors,thank you for looking.
  20. This weird fella feels like a JABO wonky out of round feel bad.the colors is what throws me off from JABO.
  21. Much appreciated sir thank you for the information on them.
  22. Thank you Ron this is great news.I appreciate the help.and ya the alley is in rough shape for sure.
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