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Everything posted by Archerfire

  1. Are these the same type as the others? They also glow under UV. Sizes: .60, .64, .64, .62, .61
  2. Whatever they are, they're pretty! The orange glows under UV. Sizes: .57, .61, .60, .63
  3. I'm not sure what a 9 pattern is, but there's nothing on mine that looks similar to the pic you posted. Thanks for all the help!
  4. Three I'd like some help with. I've been trying to take better pics. Hopefully, these are good enough.
  5. Is there a definitive price guide for marbles, in print or online? I've been buying/selling comic books for years and there is the Overstreet Guide in print and at least two online sites that are reputable. There's also a site for prices on graded comics. Hmm, graded marbles? Slabbing round slabs? Is that in the future?? 😗If there isn't a definitive price guide is it probably because there are vast amounts of so many different kinds that it isn't really feasible or it's just too gray of an area to be done accurately? What do you all use to determine the value of your marbles? Is it based on experience and we newbs have to learn as we go? Do you use eBay sold prices? I would think books wouldn't be the best option, especially if prices fluctuate frequently. Do you use a combination of all of those? I've had a few marbles identified in the I.D. section but I have no idea as to their value. I'd like to know for the ones I plan on keeping and I'd like to sell the ones I'm not as fond of, unless they aren't worth the effort. Then I'll just pass them on to the neighborhood kids! I've been trying to learn how to identify these little round mounds of goodness and it ain't easy! This may be the most difficult hobby I've ever gotten into when it comes to trying to identify what I have. I presume it will come with time... hopefully. Other types of forums I belong to have a buy/sell section. I am not seeing one here, or is it like when I was hunting for reputable sellers and wasn't looking in the right place? It seems like this would be a somewhat safe place for a newbie such as I to buy from. Is there a standard for grading used by all? It seems reasonable that a standard could be established that most people could agree on or maybe I'm missing something. Ok, I think that's enough questions! Umm, for now anyway. 🤣
  6. @Alan @Tommy I need a Photograpy for Dummies class! I edited with 4 fresh pics. I think at least a couple of them are better? I guess being Peltier would be a good thing from the sounds of it.
  7. @Jeff54 This one has yellow. It's definitely not as translucent as the one you pictured. I took a couple more pics, leaving the marble unmoved.
  8. The last four today! Thanks again everyone. I'll guess that last one is modern? Am I learning anything yet? Hah! Sizes: .67, .66, .71, .70
  9. Here are some predominantly blue ones. Sizes: .68, .56, .66, .61 You all are awesome!
  10. Four more! Size: .61, .62, .61, .62
  11. Ahh, there it is. It was much easier to find on my laptop. Just came back and finally found it on my phone. Thanks, Chad.
  12. Corkscrew or corkscrewloose? Yeah, I dunno. Thanks! Sizes: .67, .65, .63
  13. Bombing away! It's Chad's fault. He said I could. 🤪 Thanks again for all the help. I really appreciate it! Sizes: .75, .72, .63
  14. I've been reading a lot of Steph's posts. I must say, Steph is a beast! I mean that in a good way. 😄
  15. I've seen the Board of Inquiry for troubles, but is there a list anywhere here of reputable sellers.. either individuals, online shops or eBay sellers? A list somewhere would be awesome! I feel I may be about to slide down the slippery slope of collecting and purchases must be made! It seems like it's really easy to incorrectly identify a marble by accident and, by some, even on purpose? Since I'm super new to this I'd like to find some sellers I can rely on to treat me right while I continue to be educated.
  16. It weighs the same as the agate at .3 on my scale and feels about the same in hand.
  17. This is it today. I feel like I'm photo bombing! Sizes: .65, .63, .62, .61 Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it!
  18. Four more! My retirement has to be hiding somewhere.. eventually. Yeah, not. But at least I'm enjoying myself! I call that second one, "The Fried Egg" 😄 Sizes: .72, .79, .76, .61
  19. Go, Chad with the eagle eye! It looks like, CB.
  20. Thanks for the info, Chad! I used a magnifying glass and saw no initials. I added some better pics of the other two, I think? 🤔
  21. Here are pics of some of the marbles I acquired with a comic collection. Any and all help as I'm learning is greatly appreciated! Sizes left to right: .78, .76, .76, .63 and .57 Ugh. My pics leave a little to be desired it seems.
  22. Hi all! I recently acquired some marbles as part of a comic collection I purchased. I haven't really been interested in them since I was a kid. They certainly brought back the nostalgia vibe. I guess I have a little headstart on a collection, as if i need another hobby! I got a couple of books to try to help identify what I have, along with perusing online. I may as well be trying to decipher a foreign language! So many of them look the same to me. I've taken some pics to drop in the Marble I.D. area. I also bought a caliper to measure with. Maybe with a bit of guidance I'll get the hang of, at least somewhat, being able to identify these spherical jewels. Randy
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