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Everything posted by chocomibs

  1. Let me also answer some of yinz private messages here, publicly, so you know what level of maturity we're dealing with -no I won't be offing myself -im not gay, don't know why that matters and frankly the two I got of this were quite homophobic. Reported those ones -my mother raised me just fine imo -i will not be selling you the marble for 35, 30, or 10. I'm assuming that was likely the same person over and over because the numbers never really changed Lastly threats aren't really appreciated. I've reported those as well. We had a nice break in messages, I got another one last night though. It's a bit childish guys. Thought I should let you know. Keep em coming and next time I'm adding screenshots with your usernames.
  2. I've got a few other places with much kinder people. Lots of new places for research too, which I always appreciate. I don't know what happened but after this it appears many of yinz are shopping with me and I thank you for it. I've never had such numbers. Thought it was worth mentioning I've had two recent messages (they keep coming lol) confirming cac, one stated they dug it and had others, another was kind enough to share a pic. Appreciate all the advice. I've discovered also, that off of this forum, there's a reputation for quite a few of the members here. Not a positive one. Take that as you will.
  3. Perfect name actually.... "The marble of Sauron" Ima call it a Sauron
  4. Has nothing to do with you friend, I got my info from notable YouTube collectors, books I have, and a somewhat similar marble I've seen sold by another collector. I'm familiar with a submarine being a hybrid of a cobra/cyclone type and that the majority of them are "difficult to describe" (not my words). It may be a CAC, but when most cacs are selling for 50-300 and the really unique ones are 300-600, and I've seen one go up to 3500, 35 seems it would be an excellent gamble for you, not so much for me. Feels a bit scammy Hence my hesitation to assume good faith arguments. Waiting for consensus that I feel comfortable accepting, so far yinz have been all over the place. "Why yes this marble is unlike anything I've seen and have no comparison to it, but I will pay you a very low price for it" . You haven't been the first to play that lol
  5. There's two ways market pricing works and it's based on supply and demand, obviously. one is you set a price, and if there are no cheaper prices available and someone pays that price that's what it's worth. The second is you can buy or hoard several of it, and then set the price high because there's no other option to purchase it. That's how the diamond industry works. I personally don't agree with the second one. What's sad to me is when people have or hold onto pieces that aren't really that rare and inflate prices by selling them slowly...kind of like selling 13 guineas over the course of a year. People that hoard like that are the reason prices are so high. My 2 cents.
  6. But I am also trying to figure out what this is. Feels like we've gone a bit off topic. If yinz wanna start a separate thread on my eBay store, that's cool with me. I'm always open to feedback.
  7. That's also why I accept all returns on me, because I'm going to get things wrong. And I'm open to correcting anything anyone feels unhappy about. My methods aren't meant to offend anyone. I mean, I'm kind of on here trying to id things properly so I don't screw anyone over. That being said, it's difficult to pin things down when you receive 6 different answers for something, it kind of leaves one fishing in the dark. And drives the point home that people generally don't know how to id or define what these are. Just today I had someone tell me the month and year of a jabo run for a marble I asked for id only for them to be corrected. And all I can do is follow through on what is suggested to me. I'd love a friendly message if you notice a listing is misidentified, along with suggestions on where to learn more. keyword being friendly. Generally I'm going to disregard disrespect. But marble books are also ridiculously priced and people hang on to dozens of examples of ones that would be great to see in hand, it seems like everyone is out to squeeze a buck out of collectors.
  8. Antiques are an odd bunch. We're in a period of inflation where the pricing of things has rapidly increased, and I think antiques and non-commodities are catching up to that. Plus as time goes on, older things naturally become rare and harder to find, more valuable. Wholeheartedly agree pricing on ebay is inflated, and I don't think it's going to last. Something I've dabbled with over the years as a niche hobby seems to be growing, and with that shifting interests. Most collectors a few years ago wouldn't want jabo, or vacor, but as newer collectors jump on they develop different values and interests. 2 yrs ago I couldn't find any slags, now they're a buck a pop if that. I don't understand it. Doing auctions starting low have left me with many sellers reselling my items for higher prices, which doesn't feel good to see. So now I start high and work backwards, to see what the market dictates until I get an idea on what things are worth. there has to be a fair middle ground where nobody feels ripped off, what other way to find it? Supply seems to be a big factor. I've noticed for example Popeyes have significantly dropped in price because collectors are trying to unload them for $$$. I don't think anyone even knows what's out there, what's "rare" and what's just held onto. Just last month I watched the price of an akro superman shooter go from 65 to 25, because someone listed 10 at a single time. I don't get it. But I'm trying to
  9. Oh wow that's a new color for me! I've got the primary colors... I wonder what else is out there . Thank you!
  10. And that's what I'm trying to find out! It's easier when you have a history of listings to go by. I also have been studying various aspects of social psychology with advertising and algorithms (not for fun, writing a paper on it) and this is a niche I'm familiar enough with to tinker around. People getting upset is valuable information lol.
  11. Someone discovers the secret to marble lighting and photography, they will be rich
  12. I've mentioned elsewhere it's nearly 11/16 With all due respect I've gotten akro, CAC, peltier, jabo, torch swirl (new one for me). I'm still open to other suggestions. So far the closest to me is the one in my marble book that says submarine, and it does look like one. Atm I'm going with that. Would love to see other comparisons
  13. When I don't know what something is worth I do reverse auctions where I start high for visibility and lower the price until I get someone starts sending offers to form a baseline. Generally the range of responses gives me good insight into pricing and market trends
  14. But it might be green, I don't know what I'm even looking at. There's so much going on in it
  15. It's more than 5/8 but less than 11/16
  16. Sorry it's not green based, pretty sure it's clear
  17. It's a thin thin line, I know that much haha
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