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Everything posted by chocomibs

  1. Oh god don't do this to me. I got this in lot of pelts mcs for A ten spot. I'm never gonna be able to sleep
  2. With swirls inside and on the surface would this be a hybrid? Like do I just quit marble collecting now?
  3. Is there such a thing as a green based cobra? Im always down to see examples for comparison
  4. Alright I'm gonna go have a heart attack now.
  5. It's clear base despite looking green, there's just a lot of green
  6. Does it look more lavender to you? I didn't think it was hand gathered
  7. It's got cax patterns , I've seen other clear white slags. But this has some brown
  8. I hate saying this but, it looks so much nicer in hand :x. Can't get the pink right on my camera
  9. Multi-tone near flame alley sistersville, pink yellow red and orange.
  10. Oh yeah that very well could be actually
  11. I've got an older style wolf that looks more like a master
  12. Someone who sells baseball cards had it with a card! Only looked for my dad haha.
  13. This has always been a tough one to figure out for me
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