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Everything posted by MERCY

  1. I’ve got one like this. It’s a 9/16 . I love mine as well. Curious, What is the size on yours?
  2. I Absolutely Love Them! I can’t explain my attraction to them without sounding like a freak, but I am definitely obsessed with them. Jeepermans post above got me salivating. (Lol)
  3. I’m really gonna have to get me one of those Indian Blankets. I don’t have one and WoW! Those are Nice. ❤️
  4. Thanks I was thinking possibly a MK rainbow patch hybrid or something but was told Indian blanket hybrid, I felt that was wrong and knew I could get the right help here. Greatly Appreciated ❤️
  5. How Nice that someone would give you their marble collection. LUCKY YOU! ❤️
  6. MERCY

    4 peltier?

    Would that top right be a Akro Lemonade patch?
  7. Anyone know what this little one is? I’ve searched and searched and can’t find anything. Thanks guys and gals ☺️
  8. Thanks for the compliments and advice. I tend to have a hard time choosing which ones to post. I’ve got about 20 times as much as those that I posted. I’m drowning in marbles! Don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying every minute of it. Just never thought ID’ing marbles would be this extensive. I’ve definitely got a lot to learn. nice to meet you -Mercy
  9. Awe what a cute lil name. Thank you! You just made my night. Finally she has a name!
  10. Awesome! Thanks so much. That Bengal Tiger I was pretty sure on , but I think what was throwing me off is deciphering between older and newer versions. I’ve seen others called a Bengal tiger on eBay and they look nothing like mine so I started doubting if I was right or not.
  11. Hi Melissa, Yes I’ve definitely got a lot to learn. Never knew Identifying Marbles would be this hard. I enjoy it a lot, however it does take up a lot of my time. Thanks for the advice. I like #10 as well, but #31 has been my long time favorite and I’m not even sure exactly what it is. Lol I have to admit though I am a sucker for Hybrid Cats Eyes and we’ll unique Cats eye marbles in general. Kinda weird I guess?! very nice to meet you Melissa
  12. Hi everyone , Im new here and am so ecstatic that I found this place.😃 I’m really trying to learn how to correctly identify, but TBH I’m overwhelmed. I have already gained so much knowledge from this site and I’ve only been here a few hours. You guys are Amazing! I stay up every night after everyone else goes to sleep searching the internet that match with the marbles my Grandpa left me. Any Help or Suggestions would be Greatly Appreciated I have to warn you though, There are a bunch of them, but I promise I’m not lazy and not doing any research on them and just wanting someone to do it for me. So please don’t think that since there are so many. Truthfully I kind of have an idea of what I think they may be, however I don’t really trust myself enough so be so sure. And believe me I have been wrong more times that I have been right. Lol Thank you again for your time -Mercy
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