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Madcap Laughs

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    Comstock Park, MI

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  1. Anyone have a clue about this maker?😃 Mib is perfectly round. 1.4" I believe. Not my photos.
  2. Idk what "of value" even means lol. Like $5? Idk what to spend but know this is not the place for that.
  3. Thanks for the insight. I'm just not good at the value thing bc I'm bad with IDs. I cannot retain the info. It just does not stick. I look at charts and use Google lens before I come here but even going on ebay to gague value is hard bc it is really quite relative, isn't it? Sort of up to what someone is willing to pay? Idk. What are your thoughts?
  4. These are the only photos available to me...asking for more. I am just no good at this ID stuff. Could you help a gal out? I do utilize resources...I just don't know "how" to buy for a mib's value. I usually buy bc it is pretty. Idk if that makes sense but IDs would help greatly! Ty!!😃
  5. Seller has no clue. I bought it because it is cool. Just curious as to who made it! Would like to see more! Might be Nate Snyder '17 upside down?? Could only find a few by him...any ideas??? Thanks!!
  6. Are these champion furnace swirls? If not, what are they, thanks everyone!
  7. Thanks as always. Think $22 was a bit much as an impulse buy at 3 am lol?.
  8. These are not my pics...Looking to buy but not sure what is here. Just have a "feeling" but my "feelings" have been so very wrong. Can anyone help? I'm doing some of my own work but need guidance. I am just so very bad with IDs. Thanks!
  9. I am.traveling across the country right now with no caliper so cannot get an accurate measurement. I mentioned that to someone else but not to you. Sorry. I'll be home on Thursday so I can measure them then. Thanks. 🙂
  10. Hi MOJO! Could you clarify what old fashioned is? Thank you!
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