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CharlieT last won the day on August 17

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  1. I think there all Vitros except 2 and 4. And 4 is an Akro.... I think
  2. I could tell right off pretty much from the colors that it is a Vacor. Very cool mib.... Fieeesta!!! πŸ₯³
  3. This is the only one I've ever had like it. If I had to guess, Id say vacor. Not sure though
  4. The bottom 6 or 7 are Marble Kings. Sweet mibs.
  5. We just called it a "vaseline" mib because of how similar the color is to actual vaseline.
  6. Peltier.... but some Kokomo's do look very similar to some Peltiers....some nearly identical.
  7. CharlieT

    Vacor ??

    I guess its not a Halloween. We have one identical to that one though. Very cool mib. Not sure the maker.
  8. CharlieT

    Vacor ??

    That first one is a Vacor Halloween. Pretty sure
  9. The last 2 pics are the exact same. Sometimes my pics seem a bit dark because I shade the flash a little. I think it helps show the finer details of the marble better. Opinions? Maybe not. Idk 😁
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