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CharlieT last won the day on August 17 2024

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  1. Augers are fun. They seem harder to find to me. Maybe its just me.
  2. It's Akro Friday everyday! 😁 Here's our 2 latest additions. GOD BLESS EVERYONE!
  3. Here's a couple of our favorite or Sunday best flame/swirls. The blue one is pretty plain jane.... but that's what I love about it. GOD Bless and happy marbling everyone.
  4. Akro augers & snakes are what I kind of gravitate towards. My favorite I'd say. Great one
  5. Gotcha! I'm a huge fan of Akro, Christensen and Peltier slags. I wish we had more. 😁
  6. What in the world is that? Is that an American machine made?
  7. Cerise huh.... Cerise is a shade of red correct? Learn something new everyday.
  8. Those colors remind me of a popeye I've seen lately. Not sure if Jabo or something else.
  9. Great slag. My guess is Akro.
  10. I'm pretty sure they are old Akros.... maybe not crows..... just Akros. I do know that GOD is amazing!
  11. Hey Akroorka, I'm gonna share some mibs in the ID room. I was gonna ask you if any of these I have are crows. After all, you are the Akro orka..... who better to ask.
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