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Everything posted by Gr8Natured

  1. Oh .y gosh, I havnt been on for a while. But I absolutely love these miss, thankyou for the comments.!!!❤️
  2. Awesome that's very helpful. I love pelt rainbows, so pretty
  3. So beautiful. Slags are my favorite
  4. Thank you that was super insightful! I will study up on those and pull them out as 4sures!
  5. Ok, I shouldn't have posted sooo many....ill try and search out the ones less obvious....thankyou
  6. I have these in my Vitros, I know it's kind of a lot, but hoping I could get some help on the Older ones, wich I believe to be the 2nd row.....1st row have the V, ??? I super appretiate everyone's smarts and openess to giving help.
  7. Thankyou ALL, it's so absolutely amazing to me how knowledgeable you are! I soo appretiate it!
  8. Thank you chinese, transitional? WV?
  9. Here is the one I thought looked so similar
  10. I saw something on ebay that looks a lot like mine, what do you think? CAC Christensen Agate Red Striped Slag Vintage Marble 21/32
  11. That I havnt checked. But I will, I don't think so. I uv lit everything couple nights ago.
  12. Love the definition where the glass melted.
  13. These look almost exactly the same. Far left is the original.
  14. It doesn't see to have any clear glass. My back light is overly powerful.the other pics taken outside I have similar ill post too
  15. No UV, have you ever seen that. Trippy
  16. Ok, ill get pics asap!! Thank you.
  17. Without backlight looks fairly solid. When you back light it I was suprised!!! Help appretiated!
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