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About abductedbyorbs

  • Birthday March 19

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  • Location
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Glass! I also dabble in making critters out of wire. Genealogy.

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  1. I bought these from an established seller with the understanding I was getting my first set of Kokos. Yet, I've been advised that what I have are Pelts. The Kokomo site shows them, and I've never seen them listed as Peltiers.
  2. Thanks, Steph! So, you see my dilemma, lol. I wasn't even thinking tri-lite. I'm on board the hybrid All-Red vessel though.
  3. I'm not convinced with that clear base. I totally get your thought otherwise, with the colors running on the surface and diving, That base just throws me off-track.
  4. Ok, so I just found this marble in a jar I haven't sorted yet from about 2 years ago. I'm not a stranger to identifying marbles. I've been wrong a fair number of times. But, this one has me stumped. My feeling is that it's a Vitro of some sort. Please help. Sorry about the clarity. Yes, that's one marble.
  5. I'm feeling there may be some buyers remorse on his part with that reply of his. It's like when my kids come to me for advice, and when I give them an answer, they tell me I'm wrong, That's the feeling I get here.
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