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Everything posted by AvvaRae

  1. Hello Everyone 🤗 I'm Avva and extremely new to collecting. I love and appreciate all older made items though my generation tends to appreciate new fast and easy, as an avid glass collector I fell in love with Marbles Recently and their beauty, luster, uniqueness and age/range. 🤓As I am still trying to understand how to identify marbles I could really use some help with these guys. Also if anyone has any sources where I could steadily learn to better be able to appreciate my growing collection that would be super helpful as well. 🥰 I have no clue what the first two are but I am curious if the white lot is Moonies or something else. Some have an opalescent glow others are flat but with the eye I can see swirls (I tried to capture the best photos I could 😬😬😬) so I apologize if my photos stink... * They were bought from an estate sale if that helps for backround 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ The last one is amber/brown with what look like rolled in glass chards and the bottom of it looks like it was pulled off (does this signify handmade?) How would one identify this. Thank you so much for any help or advice anyone has on this journey 🙏🤗😎
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