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Everything posted by Crystalwest

  1. Thank you for your input. I tried to auction it on fb but someone commented saying it was polished and I didn't think it was.
  2. Thank you for your help
  3. I thought these were the same but now I'm not sure. I had them with my flames
  4. I had this with my cateyes but it seems to be a ribbon inside of it.
  5. I am having a hard time telling if this mist lutz is polished or not. I took pics with flash on and off and even took it outside for natural light. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. I thought these were the same but now I'm seeing differences. 2 marbles and 4 pics of each one.
  7. Thank you. I've never seen one like it before
  8. I know it's a Vitro tiger eye I believe. Type 2,3 or 4?
  9. What's everyone's thoughts on the maker?I was thinking Akro or master.
  10. Thank you for helping me confirm this
  11. Where is the best place to buy and sell online. I've done a few Auctions on FB but seems no one is bidding on marbles here lately. I'm downsizing some due to financial situation and I know what I have is worth more than what people want to bid.
  12. I've tried to download my profile pic but it keeps saying file to large and it was skipped. How do I make it smaller?
  13. Hi Linda . I started collecting about 3 years ago also. It all came about when this lady's husband passed away and she wanted to get rid of his collection because she was moving to a smaller place and she had no interest in his marbles. So I said I would help sell it. After doing some research and Learning more about the history and value I became intrigued. So my boyfriend bought the collection for me and I have been adding to it since.
  14. I need help with the ID on this one . I get overwhelmed with all the research on mibs. Tyi.
  15. Is this a Ravenswood? Thank you in advance
  16. I had this with my bos but not sure if it's pelt or not. Leaning towards MK
  17. I'm trying to determine if this is a brick and if so which company.
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