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  1. The sad part is that their are many sellers on E Bay that are legitimately selling items and want to do it right. I’m one of them. I’ve sold a lot of things including some Marbles (big mistake). I had no idea that this community existed. When I bought the cigar boxes full of marbles from an estate sale I only wanted the boxes. I couldn’t in good conscience continue to sell them without doing research. You all have been the best and have really helped me. I now have all these marbles and the more I research them the less I’m willing to part with them. I really appreciate and I’m grateful! I included the lot I sold before I knew what I was doing. Where are some of the best places to sell marbles?
  2. I’m not being mean or trying to be funny am I missing something?
  3. After hours of research I’m still stumped. light colors are confusing to me any help would be appreciated 😁 could this be Jabo ? 24.1 mm 0.95 inch
  4. Yellow and blue one is 16 mm blue and light blue ? Brown is 24 mm I have no clue I think one thing and then question it ugh.
  5. Does the first one possibly fit with a vitro phantom? After reading some more on oxblood I’m confused. I’ve included better pictures.
  6. I’m jumping in I might be wrong but I think trying is how we learn. Please be nice I’m learning One marble looks like oxblood has clear area in one spot and when I turn it has a streak of yellow and oxblood looking translucent material almost looks purple visually this marble has many different looks just by turning it at different angles. size 16.5 mm translucent any information The other 3 I’m guessing after watching video on Vitro agate trilites or are they something different blue white translucent green glass one is 15.5 mm blue white and clear size 15.6 orange white and clear is 16.3 Learning and I learn by doing please all any help appreciated carla
  7. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t donate to local Salvation Army. I watched video on the flames I thought they had to have five flames the design is all over the place.
  8. I never noticed the yellowish color. Thanks for the video guy’s it’s interesting and informative.
  9. Thank you all for your support and knowledge!
  10. Black & Orange one size is 15.6 mm
  11. These were with marbles some of the marbles I have no idea. I included the others.
  12. I have another purple one that is the same design as the other one it’s 0.76 inches or 19.3 mm sorry about the picture quality.
  13. The purple one is 20.1 mm or 0.79 inches if I’m using the caliper right. They are all so different. It’s fascinating. Please understand I’m totally ignorant when it comes to marbles. These were in 3 old wooden cigar boxes that looked like a books. I collect books for my oldest. Would you explained what you mean by slag please? Thank You very much Carla
  14. I have multiple marbles from an estate sale. I have no idea about marbles. This is a fascinating topic I’m interested to learn.
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