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  1. Off topic but.. in Your first photo, the Jeep closest to your thumb, I dug that same Tootsie Toy Jeep a few days ago while metal detecting. Yours is in way better shape!! Nice collection CharlieT
  2. That funny shape leans me to Jabo.
  3. Nice Scott! Looks like you found a good spot! That’s exactly how I got hooked! Digging them in an old dump in my property! Keeps showing us your finds!
  4. Now I’m back on the fence about it lol
  5. Oh wow! I didn’t know I had any Champions! Thank you all!!!
  6. I sometimes pop a random marble in my pocket and try to research it when I have time during my day. This green one I had today and after a second look and size comparison, I think I narrowed it down to an Alley that barely flickers when compared to another Alley I have. Same diameter .576ish Am I on the right track?
  7. My guess, Pelt first… Vitro second.. Hard to capture the colors, hope these turned out ok! Thanks All!!
  8. Surface find! Looks and feels kinda modern though… but I’ll take it! IMG_1387.mov IMG_1387.mov
  9. I had this one in my pocket all day with the goal of figuring out what it was today. With the help of some old posts from you all I narrowed it down to a Pelt Sunset. Can anyone confirm? This was our sunset view tonight!
  10. Reminds me of those 2 clay balls you’d get as a kid. They had chemicals on them and you’d bang them together to create a popping sound. Anyone know what I’m talking about lol 😂
  11. Sounds like an awesome lady! My wife supports and helps me with my collection too!
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