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Everything posted by Rairai78

  1. Thanks, that helps a lot. I was getting confused wondering if they were actual white dots or did they look kinda like nicks. Those are great pictures. I have been struggling with trying to get good pictures of my own marbles without distorting the color.
  2. Can someone post a good pic of what I need to look for to know if a marble is JABO? I get a little confused because of the similarities with others and I have been just looking for white dots, however I need a good example to refer to. If one is already posted in forum, I would appreciate knowing where to look within the form I really appreciate all the help all y'all provide. Patiently waiting for my books to come in.
  3. Can you guys help me out with this one? I ordered some books to help me and hopefully will receive them soon. Measures 17/32"
  4. I'm having a hard time identifying this marble. I can't tell for sure if base is clear or yellow and it has a dark amber color line in it, oxblood maybe
  5. Thanks. That's what I was thinking but wanted a second opinion.
  6. Have this odd looking 7/8" marble with swirl pattern. It has a deep curved indentation on it. Any ideas of maker?
  7. Thanks. I'm going to continue my research in marbles and hopefully I will be able to identify them without questioning my judgement. I definitely have a better understanding of them than I did a week ago.
  8. I'm thinking this is an Akro but not sure what kind, glows brightly under UV Possible lemonade? Or type of patch? This whole marble identification process could be a full college course curriculum to learn everything with all the similarities and differences. 😂
  9. I've tried taking better pics but my lighting is terrible.
  10. The green one has tiny shiny particles under the surface. It measures around 1/2". The bluish white one has some kind of red spots on the outside. I tried to clean it but couldn't get it to come off. It is different shades of light blue and white.
  11. Thanks, I thought for sure I was able to finally identify a marble, but guess not. But thanks to this site I plan on attending the show in Valdosta on the 30th.
  12. Here are some somewhat better pics. I don't have good lighting at all.
  13. Can you please verify if this is an Akron Agate Sparkler? It's about 11/16". The base color looks like it's a transparent blue.
  14. I have been collecting marbles for almost 15 years now. When I first started collecting I tried identifying some of them but gave up because it was overwhelming. I'm not trying to figure out what's what with what I got. Hoping to find information and tips here.
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