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Djp5690 last won the day on March 18 2024

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  1. Ok, so some of these are easy/obvious/I even know them. But call em out if you do, and let me know what you think of the light box. I’m terrible at pics. I’m going to be posting a bunch to eBay soon and I want to have the best pictures possible. Obviously in a game like this, the pictures are everything. Thanks again for your help and suggestions I don’t like white. Or maybe it’s a setting? Any tips?
  2. On the last post think there are a couple imposters here too.
  3. Sometimes it seems likevevery 3rd marble posted on eBay is a Sparkler except they aren’t they’re an imposter all of these were sold as sparklers I’m inky relatively sure of 2. And I’m pretty sure the rest are NOT
  4. I’m my way home right now to put this 50 mm F 22 together. I don’t think it’ll go quite as fast, until I upgrade the fans. But I’m still a novice at this. I have probably three months before. I’ll be ready to fly this thing. things get really fast when they’re up to about 90 mm. Some of those guys can push 200. I believe this Habu 90 mm hit 208 miles an hour Then there’s the other side of the coin. Some of the lighter planes are intended to go long distance. They’re flown via GPS and the camera mounted in the nose. Some of the longest distances they pushed it been about 100 km and a single battery. I think I’m really going to enjoy flying this guy. It’s a hobby that has so many options. I haven’t even thought about helicopters or amphibious vehicles yet.
  5. Djp5690

    Wee Tiny

    This one is only .34 or so. I tried to set it on a display ring. It’s like it’s hula hooping. Picks are hard to get. It’s clear, wispy white, with a few brown blotches near the surface? Backlighting was NOT helpful.
  6. Still, to buy that model anywhere else, is likely closer to $400. The price of these things is just insane. They’re all foam and plastic, with a couple small high rpm motors. Someone is making a KILLING. The key is to jump on them when places like AliExpress have free shipping. ps…. Twin 50mm edf’s…. If they’re 12 blade fans, that thing will do 120mph. 😝
  7. I was supposed to have added more pics! Here are some more oddballs (to me, any way) another group asaaaand maybe room for one more.
  8. Some cats eyes are ANSZING. Other than “what I like”, is there anything I should keep an eye out for in my cats and clearies pile? here’s my fave cat of the bunch. Cc
  9. Oooooooo. She’s a beaut! Not too pricey, but the shipping is a deal breaker. I have an F-22 abd F-35 on the way. They both run in on a 50mm edf(electric ducted fan… think turbine) and sound like legit jets. I need a year or so before I’ll be ready to fly them.
  10. Thanks! I’ll get more pics of the soldier. 😂
  11. One of MANY cards of The Kid in my collection. My hobbies are taking over. Cards. Marbles. I just got into RC planes too. Man, is THAT hobby a MONEY PIT. You start with something small. You can zip around INSIDE the house with. Then, you find the cheap outdoor ones. Then you hear about planes that can do 100+mph, or travel 70km (guided by camera/gps. Before you know it, you’re $600 deep and STILL HAVE TO BUILD THEM WHEN THEY ARRIVE this is my long range flyer… First “jet engine” comes tomorrow
  12. These appear to be all black. “That’s no moon.” they remind me of the death star.
  13. Thanks again, for all the help. corks? maybe patches? Some groovy swirls. last but not least, what I believe are some NICE pelts.
  14. Abd I came across some cool colors, at the very least. next up are two that don’t give me much to go on, and two master’s (I think) in cool colors. and, finally maybe a pelt on the left. Guy on the right has seen battle.
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