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Ponjong last won the day on August 13 2024

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  1. Thanks for the input guys, I'll be keeping it with my Akros.
  2. Akro is my best guess at the moment. apologies for the poor quality, I hoped to get better photos but couldn't get them off my other phone. I can at least say that these photos are color accurate. some are taken in indirect sunlight, others taken using flash. the base (the white half, not actually sure if that is the base technically) is a very very faint blue, and becomes normal white in some spots near the patch. there is also a strip of yellowish tan on one end of the patch. there are a few cracks and one chip on the marble, but they likely aren't visible in any of the photos. there is a "dent" visible in photos 7 and 8 at the seam. it is likely a manufacturing defect, though I'm not sure how likely that is on an Akro. the marble is somewhere around 16mm or 17mm. All help is appreciated!
  3. the middle two marbles look like Vitro All Reds, the top marble could be a Vitro Caged Cat's Eye, the far right marble is likely either Vitro or Marble King but it's difficult to tell without more angles. The blue on the left looks like it may be a West Virginia Swirl, though I wouldn't be able to name the maker. The green speckled one is most likely either a foreign marble or a Vacor. Welcome to the Marble Connection!
  4. I have one with I believe a similar pattern that I keep with my Jabo's, but it's hard to say, I never got an ID on that one I don't think. So not really helpful.
  5. I'm not a professional, even less so when it comes to marbles this old, but I can at least give an early response. The marbles in the first photo are glazed clay marbles called Benningtons. They are imported from Germany, I think from between 1850-1950 roughly. I could be a bit off. Photos 2-5 are a range of glass, clay/crockery and maybe even "china" marbles (photo 2) but I am unsure. A quick google search or visit to the marblecollecting site would give you more information on them. Photos 6 and 7 are mostly German handmades with maybe a few outliers. They are the most collectible of the bunch, but it depends heavily on condition and type. I don't know much about them, but there are plenty and sources and people who can tell you a lot about them. This site is definitely a good place to start if you're interested in learning.
  6. If they are Vacor they're much nicer than most of the modern ones I've seen. Very pretty marbles!
  7. Very strange. I'm still an amateur but I for sure would have guessed Jabo at a glance as well. The marble in that link you sent almost looks iridescent, like some Vacors.
  8. I agree with Ric for sure, I have a Type III with almost those exact colors, just not as wonky.
  9. I suspected as much, they sure do vary quite a bit. love this one, thanks!
  10. translucent base. I can't measure it right now but it's safe to say around 5/8s, maybe a touch smaller. all help is appreciated! sorry if the quality isn't the best.
  11. my first corkscrew that I got recently. not sure if there's any rarity to this type or not. there's a similar one listed on joemarbles site as a prize name, strange how it looks so different from other corks. look forward to seeing more examples of corks
  12. very pretty garbage. I'd let that marble retire in my humble collection any day 😁 it needs a break
  13. I appreciate the help! I am quite fond of them, particularly the left one.
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