Hello all,
Some of you may remember me from past posts, others because you've sold me mibs; now I'm primarily a board "lurker". The time has come when I will finally sell a marble, most likely on Ebay since I don't know how else to do it. I must consolidate my collection, trimming most of my Pelt's, a few Akros, and (sob) duplicate CAC's to focus on my true passion: early machine-mades, particularly transitionals.
Here's my problem: honest to G-d, I've never sold a single marble. I began collecting shortly after I became disabled, and as soon as I felt that I could identify some of the more recognizeable mibs, mostly Pelt's, bid wildly to own as many Supermen, Rebels, etc, as I found. My knowledge grew, my bank account shrunk and my collection spread to every available space in my desk, then office, and now my house.
I believe this is no longer just a hobby, but now a disease, one that no one among my friends and family understand--A grown man spending thousands of dollars on marbles, or as I like to call them, cultural artifacts. These artifacts within my collection tend towards the "one-of-a-kind", or at least rarities. Even my early aquisitions, commodity type machine mades tend to the quirky; I am a fool for error marbles to the extent that I own a multiplicity of uniqueness. My problem is two-fold: anything I sell, I'll probably want to repurchase; second, I doubt that I'll get anywhere near my marble's value to me. I realize how whiny and stupid this sounds, but I've got quite a bit tied-up in my collection, enough so that if my wife knew half of what I've spent, she'd murder me in my sleep.
Well, my rant is done. Within a week I'm listing 3 Guineas, a Blue Galaxy and a transparent Clambroth (both bought from Alan B.), and some opaque and mist Lutzes...Hell, maybe I should sell all of my Pelt's in one huge lot. Any thoughts on that?
If you'll be so kind, please drop a note with any suggestions you have concerning Ebay, PayPal, MibAuctions, or any other means of selling. Oh, and if you have any special wish item, drop me a line, I'll bet I've got at least one.
Best wishes all, and thanks. Signed, A man and his marbles.