That is great info. I would like to take it a bit further. As you can see the AA red is kind of a washed out brick red and the white base crease pontle has a brighter red. I have seen transparent red as well as opaque red. Both are brighter then the AA red. The white base creased pontle has the same construction as the transparent base slag type crease pontle. Sorry no pics. These have been found in boxes from japan. They have colored transparent bases with white swirled on the surface making a loose 9 and wrapping around the equator of the marble a couple times to terminate in a puckered straight seam ( pinched pontle ) They come in blue, aqua, amber, green and peach for sure. I can't remember if there are clear or red. The construction of the pattern is the same as the opaque red and white and the pontle looks the same also. Based on the above, it is fair to say the opaque red and white pinch or crease pontle are newer Japanese, made at the same factory where the transparent slag type were made.