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About mmuehlba

  • Birthday 12/20/1949

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  1. yes for sure I also would like to buy ,there copper covered plaster , be very care full , there all the same trophy's but some are from different marble champion ships .
  2. I think I would know the person that bought mine but will not tell . would put in a picture but have not for a while and just can not ??
  3. have the back of the case all pictures , I am sure there are more than could be just printed for the back no mirrors or ? just pics just witch ones ?
  4. have the back of the case all pictures , I am sure there are more than could be just printed for the back no mirrors or ? just pics just witch ones ?
  5. here is an auction with a striped opaque with a window to see inside . =^..^= RARE! CAC CNRISTENSEN RUN CHANGE 2 IN ONE MARBLE! WOW!( 331478405938 )
  6. for sure an onion skin looks like it is about 3/4 , ? never send it out as it looks good show more pics . Mike
  7. heard from Scott as he is back home . but still only at about 24% on the kidneys , that makes it stage 3 kidney disease. its is one of the many sides of "Anderson Fabry disease" that Scott was born with as it is a genetic disease .
  8. Hi All just a short note as Scott is not doing well and I think he is in need of a lot of thoughts and even some prayers , thanks Mike
  9. Hi Craig so what about the marbles as they all have issues was there a huge find of these ? I know there Akro for sure but being the condition I thought were all from a dig or ? Here is a link to more pics of the box will get of the marbles later . so how many like this are out there . Mike http://smg.photobucket.com/user/mmuehlba/library/Akro%20Agate%20Imperial%20%20box%20number%202
  10. well I was just taking pics at the Badger show and I went back because of he price $75.00 so it came home . It was from a fellow member of the club . here are the pics I took at his table .
  11. just another picture so how many out there or what about the marbles .there are marks on the paper dividers but if I remember correct the dividers are a paper more like a file folder and these are like regular paper . Mike
  12. bob what size it your box as the one I have is 4 1/8 by 4 1/8 all the marbles are 3/4 and all have issues Dug ? for sure not imperials look more like ringers but / ? . Mike
  13. Well I got a repro box at the show has 25 ringers some mint but mostly have very small issues . were ringers ever dug as this box has a nice amount of them . Mike
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