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Posts posted by mordiskul

  1. Shooters most over 1in. with some other misl. smaller marb to give you a idea of size .............i love the corks dont collect them tho but still have a ton lol, the mK. peacocks are way sweet too, The highlight in this group is a 1in. Peltier halloween ...ill post some more single pics to ....let us rock this post ( BTW FEEL FREE TO SAVE ALL MY PICS)

    Dustin. ^_^ ..............oh forgott a koko. pumpkin in the tray group , can you find it?( added 2 big corks at they end).




  2. Very kewl man i have a 1in. Master shooter that i took a pix of years ago that looked like a nuke went off oh the sun

    Ill post it as a new topic maybe we can get a Star -----------------------planet thing going -----------------hell its sunday time to post some pics


  3. Nice ....My nephew joe has pounded some big brookies ..........As for me nada only big carp but huge caught a 20 pounder last week smoked and ready to go ...........ill take some pics of those brookies and post um in this tread ASAP There monsters, those bad boys will fire you up if anything will

    Dustin. :Happy_050:

  4. Craig the one on the left is super and VHTF in my op. , at a show it would go for atleast $25 ___________Ebay more but some may not call it a popeye but myself i say so but pelts are my thing ....but that would be like a Superman to me ( and for a crow collector in good shape with the right seller on the bay $50 easy) <<<<<<<<<<<<< the purp is just in the kill zone love it not event a crow lover


  5. Im so proud of my nephews Joe dirt Chadwick and Patrick Schendel super fish for fish lovers Joe is well known in the mid-west for his trout ...i only dream i could fish like this and btw my buddy Lin can catch um too


    These boys can slam um Griff or anyone for that matter you have to come to this valley Game Maddness is all i can say the pics of Joe dirt chadwick say it all. <<<<<<<<<<and yup big carp too he got one last week 34poundz.......nice nice


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