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Northeast Arkansas Marble Show Update

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Good morning to all

We are about a month away from our first show, Saturday, August 4 from 9am-3pm, Pocahontas, AR with room trading Thursday and Friday. Rooms and tables are looking positive and a lot of good marbles are coming. Please call me, Gary Gregory, at 870-647-1034 or email me at ggregory@wbcoll.edu to reserve at table (s) ($20). Call the Day's Inn at 870-892-9500 to reserve a room ( mention the marble show for the group rate $77 plus tax, includes continental breakfast. We are hoping you can come join us for a great show. If you are in Southern Missouri or Illinois, Western Tennessee, or parts of Arkansas and plan on coming in for the show only, that's fine; just give me a call to reserve a table.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our show is two weeks away! Currently, we have about 12 tables /rooms; a lot of great marbles and people coming;

Ken Dunteman from the old Mountain Home show is coming; he has had health issues, but is excited about coming; if you have considered coming, now is the time to call for a room or table (see info above).

The next three weeks are great ones for marble collectors across the country: Dani's show in Seattle, the Akro West Virginia show, the Canton, Ohio show and our show in Arkansas. Marble shows are very exciting; once you attend one, you are hooked! Hope you can make one of these shows.

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