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Mini Marble Show In Liberty, Missouri - September 27

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KANSAS CITY MARBLE COLLECTOR'S CLUB FALL MINI MARBLE MEET – Saturday, September 27 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

So what is a mini marble meet? A mini marble meet is a day show where the club has rented part of the Liberty Missouri Community Center for the day. Like a regular show, there will be tables available for display and dealing. The show will start an hour later than usual so folks can drive in and save a hotel bill if they so desire. We will publicize the event locally to make the general public aware of the event. TV coverage is in the works but could be preempted by an outbreak of crime or a natural disaster. The admission to the show is FREE to the public and tables are available for a DONATION. The folks at the tables decide what is fair to the Marble Club to help cover the cost of the event. It is not the club’s intent to make money but only to provide the opportunity to expand the hobby of marble collecting and promote our Spring Show and Moon Marble’s Marble Crazy that same spring weekend. Flyers for the Fall Mini Meet are already on the street and drawing interest.

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2014
Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm
Liberty Missouri Community Center
1600 Withers Avenue
Liberty, MO 64068

For Additional Information or reserve a table, contact:
Charles Williams – marblecollector1957@yahoo.com
Scott McBride – greatmacscott@aol.com

Hotels in Liberty, Missouri if you are interested in coming to KC the evening before the show:
Booking.com - searching for Liberty, Missouri, lists 15 hotels/motels. Since we are not expecting enough people for this first Liberty show to warrant a block of rooms, we didn’t negotiate a room rate.

The highest ranked Hotel by customer rating is the Hampton Inn and Suites. I know the manager personally and the hotel is very clean and friendly. I explained room trading and marble shows to him so there shouldn’t be any surprises there. As you review the list, the Sleep Inn (has a water park), Holiday Inn Express, Comfort Inn and Suites and the Fairfield Inn and Suites are about the same distance as the Hampton from the Liberty Community Center and of similar quality. While not discouraging your free choice of accommodations, If you consider limiting your choices to the list above list, the quality might be a little better.

Thanks for all you support of the KC Marble Club in the past and in the future.

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