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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I took pictures at the show of vendors, customers, kids playing marbles. It takes so long to post them here that I've decided not to. Anyone wanting to see more, please visit our website at texasmarblecollectors.com. Jeff Kimmell has the site up and running and there is some neat stuff there.
  2. Reno Daret used to be a regular at our show. We haven't seen him in years, but he's back.
  3. Willie Benoit, Tom Neel (Arizona), Dale and Bud St. Pierre, Bill O'Connor
  4. Wanda was watching the room and Tommy Jinks was napping in his room.
  5. Steve Dodson, Aunt Barbara was looking in other rooms.
  6. Barry Anderson minding the store while judith shops
  7. Edna Eaton and Greg Hoglin. Greg is a member from New Mexico and brought some really nice marbles he made.
  8. I am trying to keep up with pics of in room trading. This is Raymond Anderson
  9. Most of our members are not yet retired so they miss out on the first two days. We'll have more today and the serious looking for marbles will begin.
  10. Tom Neel, Arizona Rich, I believe this is your friend. The Ft. Worth show will be Oct. 8 this year. I'll know more after our meeting tomorrow.
  11. We added two new members today, Ron Maxwell and Joe Bob SMith
  12. Jordan, Claudia, and Bethany Buser. Claudia is TMCI secretary
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