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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. You know that is funny. I've been an investor 6 times and I don't have any that are still sitting around in boxes. I have some in jars.
  2. I haven't looked at mine in over 2 years. I'm not sure I have any of the blue ox's.
  3. Steph, you must be talking about Joker oxbloods and Madyia oxbloods. They are very similar. I'll post pics later of them side by side. I think if I stumbled, I could not separate those either.
  4. Sorry about the double post. I was trying to edit, Miss Bronson, my kitty stepped on the keyboard and I got a quote instead of an edit.
  5. These are some of the prettiest ever made.
  6. More Joker 1's. A gift from Kevin Plummer.
  7. Steph, in 2008, each run had a look of its own. That was before Kugler glass was used and the colors started looking alike in the different runs. While 2008 has been surpassed, it had character in each run. Maybe some of us can help you if we post.
  8. These marbles are especially meaningful to me. Mike gave me these. This is the marble that the silver was added to. There aren't many that show the silver. I suppose most of it burned up in the mix. The bottom marble shows the silver. If you've got Peltier Mansions, show them here.
  9. I've never met Mike Barton, but I consider him a friend. I have a lot of Mike's marbles. By the way Mike, the last time I showed your marbles, I had people offering me money to buy them. Of course, I won't give them up. Mike shared these marbles with me.
  10. This box was a gift from Mike Barton. He designed the box. The picture is the old Peltier Glass Factory.
  11. Some of these Peltier Mansions were given to us by Boyce. The Sistersville Marble Festival was right after our Tribute run and I bought more of the Mansions to fill out my box. The 4th row from the right are some of the marbles made with gold to achieve the pink color.
  12. Boyce Lundstrom in his marble shirt and David McCullough This pic was taken at the first Tribute Run. Steve Sturtz had invited Boyce to stay over and watch our run.
  13. One of the earliest runs in 2008 was called the Peltier Mansions run. Boyce Lundstrom, Mike Barton, and John Triggs did this one. The glass was special. It was all made to order glass by John Triggs. Mike Barton, help me out here. You certainly know a lot more about it than I do. Please tell about the glass. I only know what Boyce told Weldon and I when he stayed for the first Tribute run. Boyce Lundstrom was the investor of this run, but he had some help from friends in the glass world. Mike Barton, John Triggs, and James Armstrong helped with the run. All of the glass was specially made by john Triggs and they had some beautiful glass. The marbles were run September 11. 2008 Boyce stayed over for the Tribute run. He was still sorting his marbles and Sistersville was right after our Tribute run. I am glad he was there. Weldon and i got to meet him and talk to him at length. We learned a lot about Peltier Glass and Boyce's history in glass. Boyce was sorting through his marbles and he gave all of us Tributes a lot of his marbles. They were some of the prettiest made. Boyce used glass that was expensive, some had gold in it and some had silver. The gold showed in the pinks of the marbles. The silver showed in only a very few marbles.
  14. Yes, it is. The first one I ever bought looked like that one. At first I thought it was a "watermelon wannabe". I soon discovered others with better pattern and realized it was a MK peacock.
  15. Top row are robins, bottom row and next to bottom row are MK peacocks.
  16. Yes, it is. That's a red one. There is also a green one. And the MK robins have the same kind of pattern.
  17. Mine go to my son and my grandson. Weldon and I have taught him about marbles his whole life (ten years). He loves marbles. His father loves antique marbles and Robert L. Hamon marbles. If I didn't have them to leave the marbles tto, I would probably stop collecting now. I am involving Joseph more and more with the marbles. A lot of teaching is involved.
  18. Sami, I have completed your What A Tribute Too boxes. I think there are six of them. I put them into a Priority Box and it's a waste of money to send it now. I'm waiting until I have more to go in the box. Here's a sample of your marbles and the box. Each box is different and the marbles in each are different.
  19. Interesting! I've always thought that since nobody has ever found a picture or a package of dulites that they were probably Tri-lites with less color. Maybe some that we call Tri-lites that only have 2 colors were originally Du-lites?????
  20. Mike, in spite of their "dugness" those marbles you dug are pretty.
  21. i've got to cancel my room. My grandson has a conflict and I was coming just for him. Maybe next year we'll get it right. Edna
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