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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. That is the best civil war marble story I've ever heard.
  2. In hand, the colors in this marble are much brighter. I think my flash muted the marble. The base glass is green, very green. It's also a Tri-lite patch.
  3. Don't know if this ugly stuff is dirt or damage. I can't see it until I blow up the image. Just might need a good wash. Polishing would take the color off, so if it's damage, I'll just keep it like it is.
  4. This one and the rest in this post are Vitro Agate Tri-lite patches. They're a little different from most.
  5. Jim Garber did an article for the Texas Marble Collectors Newsletter on this marble. He calls it a "rainbow cloud". They have a pole patch of 3 or morel vibrant colors usually of transparent Vienna glass. The base is usually clear with a thick veneer of white cloudy glass. These are rare. These are Garber's words from the article. The two above are mine. I bought the one on the left as an Akro years ago. I bought the second as a Marble King recently. I knew the second one was vitro thanks to Jim Garber. I know Jim has one. I know of three of them. How old are they? Who's got one or more?
  6. Eddie Seese and Sammy Hogue do hand mades in West Virginia. Sammy is in Ellenboro and welcomes visitors. Eddie Seese is clost to Sammy and he allows visitors too.
  7. JABO welcomes visitors. Dave McCullough may be running pretty marbles, but also runs industrial marbles. They are located just across the Ohio River at Reno, Ohio. If you cross the river into Marietta, Ohio, it's just a short drive up Ohio 7 to the plant. Call David McCullough to find out if he is running during the time you will be there. I'll PM you his number. David lives in West Virginia but crosses the river to work. Edna
  8. Only one place to watch machine made in this country. There are two companies but one of them does not allow spectators.
  9. There are lots of places. Where do you live?
  10. Could FPS possible be FES? Francis Eddie Seese if it is.
  11. V3 is Victor Gaenzel. He's from Texas, goes by Trey. He's Victor Gaenzel III.
  12. Missouri did not make me think of John Hamon Miller. I know he lives there, but he's West Virginia through and through.
  13. Could you MO marble maker be Mark Capel?
  14. The date on the post is June 14, 2005 OH NO, I'M LOOKING AT THE DATE THE PERSON JOINED. EXCUSE ME!
  15. How are these really old posts jumping up here?
  16. This is the run where David learned how to make oxblood when he wanted it. From here on, it wasn't accidental.
  17. That's quite a mix of boro and soft glass. I don't recognize the sig on the one you showed. There are a lot of latticino's there. Are all of them signed? I might be able to help if I could see them in hand. those latticinios are furnace made and that soft of narrows it down.
  18. If those are not cobras, then i don't have one.
  19. Joker, do i have this one mislabeled? Maybe you guys called this a tornado or a cyclone? I thought it was the cobra. It looks like a snake head on the surface.
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