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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. I found 2 parrots in the 5/8 th inch size. I really like them.
  2. Mike, I'd like them to be smaller, but haven't gotten it figured out yet. They are better than the first time I tried
  3. This looks like a citrus to me. It's a Vitro Agate (previous owner said). It sure looks a lot like my Peltier citrus. Anybody know for sure?
  4. Everybody knows I love Vitro Agate. Got this pair of blue/green tri-lites.
  5. Got this nearly one inch Peltier from Bill McCaleb.
  6. A Marble King robin. I have 5 of these, but bought this for a friend who is just starting out.
  7. I've never collected much Marble King, but I found one in a color I didn't have.
  8. Charles Gibson retired and I hadn't bought one of his marbles in a long time. However, I found two of his marbles that were oversized. The one with lutz is about 2 inches and my others are a bit smaller. This snakeskin is a 3 inch marble.
  9. My pics are still larger than I want. What is a good number to choose for the web? My old program didn't give me a choice. Just said "Best For Web". Here's another marble I got at the Buckeye. This is an Eddie Seese marble.
  10. I am still trying to learn Photoshop because my old picture editing program stopped working. I'm not there yet, but still trying. One of these is just a plain old white based corkscrew, but yellow is hard to find. The one on the right is a golden yellow cork on opalescent base glass.
  11. Anybody have information like dates, hotel, etc. I'm thinking about taking Joseph again. He really enjoyed meeting Eddie Seese, Geoffrey Beetem, and Andy Davis.
  12. When I click on the link I get a windows live page to sign in. Is that what I'm supposed to see?
  13. I don't know what "over the pound" means.
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