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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Carlene Banas made this angel pin for me. Special JABO run by Russ Kasmar, Meagan's Run Hillbilly Magic Hod's Marvels, a special run made by Dave McCullough and Bobby Newman to honor Howard "Hod" Powell. Vitro Agate "tomato" given to me by Howard Powell, made in 1983
  2. I forgot the size. The ones in post #10 range from .71 to .736 inches. The ones with the yellow patches are .748 and .734 inches. All of them approximately 3/4 inches like the peas.
  3. Dan, the base glass is muddy looking. It looks sort of like the base glass in a Peltier muddy. The reddish orange patch is covering more of the marble than the white. The white forms a "V". There are two more in this post that have a translucent base with the same reddish orange patch and a yellow patch that forms a "V". Both types have a second "V" in the muddy looking glass on the opposite side from the white or yellow. They seem to have the same construction as the "pea" family. Black eyed peas and sweet peas in different colors. I do not know of a name for them. I have never seen this color combination until I bought these in Sistersville. A friend saves Vitro Agate for me all year because he knows I love it. He had a plastic box of vitro for $20. In in were the bag of 40, 2 parrots, these marbles, lots of tigereyes. I didn't need the parrots. They were the large ones, close to an inch. I took only one of the one inch marbles. I think there were about a dozen of them including the parrots. Linda Simmons and I shared the marbles in the box because I didn't need all of them. She got all of the tigereyes except the bag, half of everything else and all but one of the one inch marbles. . I tried to pay my friend more because I knew the bag of 40 tigereyes was worth more than $20, but he wouldn't take it. He's been very good to me for many years. Does that help with the marbles?
  4. These are Champion New Old Fashioneds. On the second row you can see 3 of the one being discussed. You can also see much larger than 3/4 inch. The red/black ones are 3/4 plus.
  5. This is a borosilicate Vitro Agate. You will be reading about this soon in the WVMCC newsletter and the Texas marble Collector's newsletter. Howard Powell gave me this marble. More marbles to come.
  6. Tri-lites, aquamarines, patches 40 count bag tigereyes
  7. Patches, tri-lites and tigereyes Standing Stone Commemorative - I had 3 and Miss Bronson took one to play with. I found it under the dining room table after i had taken the pic. I knew she had it. Tigereyes, tri-lites and a coral Second marble, second row has an oxblood "V"
  8. Blackeyed Peas - I need 1 more to fill a box of 16 Sweet Peas, I need 3 more to fill a box of 16
  9. Easter Eggs Opals I gave away 6 opals before the show and came home with this 14. Linda, do you need some more?
  10. Orange and yellow shooters, shared these with Linda Simmons. We bought a container together.
  11. Hillbilly Magic silver - Bobby Newman brought the silver to be put on the marbles. These 3 pictures are all one marble
  12. Three Vitro boulders, a tigereye, conqueror, swirl 4 shooters, I shared these with Linda Simmons Griff's JABO experimentals, a new white glass and lutz
  13. I think it's oxblood, but not the typical Akro Agate oxblood. I have several oxbloods in Akro that are creamy looking and thick. I think they used the color like all the other companies. Oxblood referred to the color rather than a specific formula. An eggyolk oxblood comes to my mind.
  14. I picked through Roy Kays' marbles to find them at Standing Stone. Did not see any at Sistersville, although I did buy a lot of opalescent Vitro Agates. Got most of them for $1 to $2 each. They vary in transparency of the glass too. The opalescense is really noticeablel in some and covered with opaque white glass in others and then there is the in between ones. I have a shooter opal that is covered in white glass. Wish I had a shooter size that was almost transparent.
  15. They werent' exact back then or now. Unless they threw away the under and over sized marbles. JABO keeps them. Marble King threw them away. The glass while opalescent is also cloudy. That shooter isn't UV glass. I was hoping to help your research. Oh well.
  16. I thought tracers were peltiers. Are there also MK's called tracers?
  17. I've never seen one like your brown and yellows. Do they have a name?
  18. This one caused me some wavering. The oxblood color and striations looked Akro Agate to me. The construction looks Vitro Agate tri-lite. I think it's Vitro. More coming later. I do have a life other than marbles. LOL!
  19. Found a few Alley Agates and a couple of them have metal flakes in the glass.
  20. Here's another that surprised me. It looked like a Vitro Agate "anti blackie". The marble looks opaque blue with a yellow band around the middle. A little orange in the band too. While it looks opaque blue and a Peltier color, when I put it on a flashlight - there is transparent green glass in there. It's also a Peltier Rainbo.
  21. I was looking for Vitro and I found one I thought was Vitro. It had a red eye at one end and a black eye at the other end of what appeared to be a "tigereye". The band around the middle was blurry gray. It looked like a Vitro Agate "blackie" but it looked odd. I put it on a light and the whole look changed. It's a peltier rainbo - do doubt about the transparent green glass in there.
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