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Everything posted by sissydear

  1. Weldon was the peltier collector. We usually collected a box of 25 of each multicolored swirl. I know they have a new name, but MCS is what I learned and I'm old so I keep using it. He only found one of the kind below. I found this one in Sistersville and i added it to Weldon's. We've had the one on the right many years. Only two in over 20 years of collecting. Are they really that hard to find?
  2. Bought a little Marble King. I have a white based Berry Pink and i found a transparent. I haven't collected a lot of Marble King and haven't learned a lot of names. I don't know the name of the multicolored one below, but the bue and yellow is a cub scout. Don't know if the red and white has a name. It is 3/4 inch and the white looks sort of pearly on top
  3. Mistermarbles, the one on the far right has UV glass, but I have a really orange one in my collection so never thought of that one as orange ade. If the glass is opalescent is it also an "ade".
  4. I'm getting the hang of the Photoshop program. I'm using the Nikon so I'm not getting the football shaped marbles. The Canon was great for pics of the Sistersville Festival but something makes marbles out of shape. Plus I haven't figured out to delete pics from the disk. Have to do that soon.
  5. I haven't found Akro Agate in 8 to 10 years that I didn't already have. Found a few at Standing Stone and a few at Sistersville. The white based green and red corks look like oxblood. Red or oxblood, I didn't have examples of those. I have black, red, on white; but this one is dark blue. I do have the orange based with a black cork and oxblood on top, but this one is better than any I had previously. The oxblood totally covers the black ribbon.
  6. Haven't bought one of these in years. Thanks, Roy Kays.
  7. You are correct about John Ives. I'll fix it. Thanks!
  8. Finally got the pics done. I searched all my Akro Agate and did not find a blue or green ace. I did find yellow, orange, red. I also found a white base with a white and a red cork. I took time to check the white based yellow corks in my collection and they are not opalescent, but some are translucent white glass. Here are two views of the opalescent ones called Aces. I don't think the the ones with white/red and orange/red are properly called Aces? Wouldn't that refer to the one colored corks only?
  9. Travis Weber Travis Weber Travis Weber Travis Weber Bet Winnie didn't realize the Pandora's Box she was opening.
  10. Vitro Agate tigereyes ( well, some of them are pastels) JABO Legacy named for Robert L. Hamon JABO Legacy shooter size Vitro Agate parrots Steve Davis JABO Robert L. Hamon
  11. Pastel JABO's 5/8ths Vitro Agate parrot Easter Eggs - Vitro Agate
  12. I love those vitros. I'll look for some and post.
  13. Robert L. Hamon Kevin Nail Robert L. Hamon Peltier Glass
  14. Rich Hollingshead Ron Hinkle Roger Childs
  15. Robert L. Hamon Peltier Mansions - one has silver in it Peltier Mansions Peltier Mansions Robert L. Hamon
  16. Ken Schneidereit Kris Parke Mike Gong
  17. There is really no color in the Beetem marble. it's an air trap and just crystal clear glass. It is sitting on a prism. If I spin it, it picks up all the colors of the prism bending white light into the rainbow colors.
  18. Some of the big boys might be afraid of them. They are sort of "girl colors".
  19. John DesMuels Boyd Miler David Salazar David Salazar James Alloway Are we tired yet? I'm not half through the contemps.
  20. Charles Gibson snakeskin Hot House Glass, Brett Young and Larry Zengel Jim Davis
  21. Oh Winnie, I love pastels. I'm not even through all of my hand made pastels, not to mention the machine mades. I could post pastels for a long time. A beach ball by Charles Gibson
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