I got to meet Doug Watson. I regret that I didn't get to hang out with him. It was hard walking down the street. Took me 3 hours to get 4 blocks. I'd stop to talk for a few minutes and end up 30 minutes. Felt rushed the whole time. So much to do and see and so little time. I have a lot more marbles to show, vintage machines, new JABO's and hand made contemps. I just got home and it will take a few days to catch up. I still have to show what I got at Standing Stone too.
Roy Kays, Russ Kasmar, Tony Banas
Steve Davis
Teresa Grocki
The Neff's
Tom Rink
Tom and Wanda Jinks
Vickie and Marie
Walt McGee
Mr and Mrs. Mike Warnelis and their son's dog
Kris Parke
Marie Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Simmons
Paul Simmons, Opal Moore, Linda Simmons
Rick Davis
Ron Shepherd
Close up of Ron Shepherd
Roy Kays, Russ Kasmar, John Ives
Sammy Hogue and Eddie Seese
Sammy Hogue
John (Sonny) Miller
Roy Kays
Brett Young and Dan Grumbling
Marbles by Dan Grumbling
New style with copper electroplating
Hot House Glass, Brett Young and Larry Zengel
Howard Powell
Howard and Julia Powell
Tony and Julia Powell
Jim King
Julia's Swans
Junior Ice
Bryan and Lisa Schenk
Eddie Seese with Joseph's new marble
Felicia Delp with her new marble, gift from Julia and Sammy, and maybe Ron?
Close ups of the marble
Frank Aiello - Sherry was away from the table
Leroy, please keep posting. Your remarks are very helpful to us who do not have "closed minds". We know that your experience is valuable and your wouldn't post something you're not sure of.
In regards to Boyd Miller's caged bird - Boyd has not made marbles in at least 4 years and probably never will again. That's the sad part. He needs our prayers. Edna
I get amused at the people who check every marble with their huge magnifying devices. I have always subscribed to the idea that if I can';t see it with the naked eye or feel it with my fingers, it isn't there. Nobody looks at my displayed marbles with magnifiers.
These pics are in Malcom Strong's marble yard. It's in his barn so they can play year round. It's heated by wood in the winter.
I had a mishap with my camera. First I left my extra battery and charger at home. My son took me to buy another charger and battery. I plugged it in to charge the new battery and forgot that when my son took me to the airport. The battery in the camera gave out after these few pics. Thankfully, Jeff Kimmell downloaded his pics to my computer. I don't have them ready to post. These pics below are the few I took with the new Canon.
Jeff taking a pic of his daughter Reece who is sitting with Malcom Strong.
The marble yard is set up for the game "Tennessee Square".
Malcom taking a shot. The shooters are about 3/4 inch and the big marbles are 1 1/4 inch.
Paul Davis watching. He was playing Rolley Hole the next day so he didn't play Tennessee Square.
A player I don't know
The hand made contemporaries are works of art. Buy what you like. Thinking of them as an investment is a "crap shoot". I buy marbles I think are pretty and that's different for everybody. Example: There is an artist who does a lot of skulls in marbles. I don't have any of those. I don't like them. Friends of mine love and appreciate them and have many of them. I like color. I like design. I like a variety of artists marbles.
Steph, I found a yellow and 2 orange aces at Standing Stone. Also found a red one. I am certain I have a blue one and a red one in my marble cabinet. I'll do pics when I get time to do it. If I have those colors, maybe that answers one of your questions. My red one corks more than the orange and yellow ones.