Sorry I missed you Steve. I've worked hard all day cleaning up my computer room. The hard part is over. I cleaned out all the boxes of Weldon's marble show stuff. Found Akro ash trays and Peltier marbles and a couple of popeyes I'd forgotten he had in the sell it stuff. I also found the Chinese millefiore hand mades. Not nearly as pretty as Gerry Colman but cheap like $1.00 each. The desk top is clean, the shelves are neat, the floor is cleared and vacuumed, all the papers are filed away. Someone could actually stay in this room now. I treated myself to dinner and a margarita. Ate a Mexican shrimp cocktail, the kind with pico de gallo and avocado. Delicious! Had a margarita, well half of one and came home feeling up to any job tomorrow. Life is good!