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Everything posted by manddrakes

  1. Wow! What a great example! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140346748082&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT
  2. Here's a great link with wonderful marbles and great pictures! http://shop.ebay.com/vintagemarbles/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=
  3. I haven't been a powerseller in about acouple years! There must be an advantage to being a powerseller? Do you get perfect fives all the time? Thanks Mike I look forward to selling marbles to great buyer/seller! I ask for five's and you will get five's in return. I will always give everyone of my buyers a chance! or two! I don't care to be a powerseller! I care about people not a dollar! Thanks Mike. Buy because your a freind! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160362493764&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  4. It's a fine line, I agree. I'm asking for respect for me and all of you! There are nut cases out there I agree! We in here are not nut cases? Well maybe we are in our own sence. I now for the most part everyone here tries and works for each other when they have the chance. I ask and I think everyone that sells at any time here on the board or abroad. Lets find a common ground.... respect! I will always be straight be straight with me and I/we will be life long friends. My last words when leaving dsr ratings for anyone... Me and my marble friends! Did you give them a chance at being anything other then a perfect "5"? "like you"! Thanks Mike
  5. One's and two's are bad! We are all a team gathered together. Lets start acting like it. I will change my listings and if there's something I can do for you I will try and help! I bring this up now because there seems to be so much madness with sellers here. It's a hard economy and we are a hobby that will get out of it last at best. Lets be helpful to each other. Where there are two or more gathered in my name I am there as well! "That is Christ words"! We should be the same work together, share, and help each other. We are all in a hole. "In a sence", lets build a ladder together and get out of it. What's good for one will be good for all...respect! If you don't have the time for a friend then do me a favor and don't bid on my items and may "God Bless... YOU". Mike
  6. Sue, Yes your correct! We all gather here to bond at times and we do, and at other time we don't. I like what i heard the other day. Step back take a hour before you respond. If your a marble seller and you sent me a rock I would laugh and send you a p.m./email and say I didn't know you sold rocks to, but a rock I have. Can you send me that marble, and even if after receiving that marble it's shit. I would contact you and work something out. At the end of the day you would get five stars! We are a community of collectors and Fellow friends. If you want to leave anything less then perfect fives for your collectors/friends then step back take an hour and contact them and work something out. If your in it for the money as some say I am! Well there wrong. I'm sell to help others most of the time. I have been selling as of late to help a good friends family cover funeral expenses. With the measure you use it will be measured back to you. We all fall short. That's where the heart steps in to make it right. Take the time to make a friend and you will see you have the time to be a friend. Thanks Mike
  7. This looks so solid oxblood type to me. Pictures added. Thanks Mike
  8. Because, I believe it's an over all rating. If one person gives you a one to be an asshole and four others give you 5's your around 4.0 failing over all.
  9. Ebay does if you fall below 4.2 you can have some serious problems. Ebay is a joke with all there fricking fees and rules I AGREE! Funny... powerseller not me! It doesn't matter if you are a powerseller or not. I just think it's crazy other fellow marble collector/seller would do this to you when you buy from them and give them five stars across the board. I have started a list of these names, I guess anything to give them the upper hand. "I will not drop to there standards". I have been turning them in. I have really got on the ball lately to ship faster and communicate. I haven't been having this problem with buyers that don't sell. It just is really pissing me off. I'm not doing it to them! Mike Thanks for the link/site for envolopes.
  10. Has anyone eles been noticing that when a buyer that's a seller of marbles leaves feedback after buying from you your DSR rating go's down. I ship for 2.00. This cover the 1.13 in shipping cost. .54 cents for envolope and .30 cents in bubble wrap. Now I got feedback from a buyer that's a seller as well. He gives me a low dsr rating for shipping cost and he charges 4.00. This DSR is stupid. They give you a postive feedback and hammer you the other way. I just wonder some times about people. I have just started blocking every person when my DSR rating go's down at all. What eles can you do? Thanks for letting me rant. Mike
  11. Here's what I believe to be an alley flame and has a seagal or dove flying as well. Mike
  12. I seen some wonderful sulphides on proxibid and thought I would drop you all a link. W.Yoder Auctions. There are several harder to find sulphides. http://www.proxibid.com/asp/LotDetail.asp?ahid=2185&aid=21595&lid=6010799
  13. Bottom middle looks newer to me as well. The rest look older.
  14. I have seen alot of these newer ones being passed off as Peltier supermans as of late on ebay as well.
  15. I really like those millers and the grey/purple rainbos.
  16. When I look at #1 I think Akro. All of these came toghether in one lot. I have a total of five in all that came together. I will check into the newsletters. Thanks for the info. Mike
  17. sissydear, You have some great blackeyes and sweet peas! Did you happen to get all of your 11/16 black eyes together in one group at one time? Thanks Mike
  18. They are for sure a nice looking marble both in sight and in hand. "Jabo is the brand". I have a lot of them in which I hoped would never make buyers think they where C.A.C. Keep a look out! The saddest side of this is that a person can find a akro side to almost everyone of them! Thanks Mike.
  19. Vitro really do fly under the radar. I have seen many black eye peas in the larger sizes. Is this one a harder to find size. I know for me it has been only the second I have come across, and yes I'm keeping one. Thanks Mike http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160358101460&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT
  20. Marble Post #3 Thank you for looking at all three examples. Your thoughts please. Thanks Mike
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