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Everything posted by handymon

  1. handymon

    Marble Id

    it's not a christensen slag. i'm not sure what it is....but it could be a game marble. melanie, your a goner, now your house will be filled with these little devils! mon
  2. here is a photo of David Hanlon (seated) at the Cario Marble Festival of 2005. not sure who three woman are but David Tamulevich is standing in the blue jean jacket. my uncle, John Ives, and i have many great memories digging at his father's old plant! sad news indeed! mon
  3. handymon

    CA cullet

    hey, hey, hey.....there uncie john ............good to see ya around! mon
  4. handymon


    cvdv, thank for the pics! beside co. logos, oxblood and adventurine, what other things do you watch for? is that larger spaghetti looking mib (bottom right of 2nd pic) a wire pull? mon
  5. handymon


    cvdv, are they hard to find overseas or pretty common? what did you think of the price for the ones shown at the start of this thread? post some of your favorites when you have time, please. mon
  6. handymon


    Both of those are neat! what is a large size for these sparklers? yep, Paul had some real nice ones and he got me interested in collecting them! Paul lives on, mon
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