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green gazer

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  1. Very nice ! Could you please give a short history lesson on who traded with who and what they traded for. I have heard they were traded for slaves. Thanks for showing ! VT
  2. Sorry Ya'll! I was not going to post anymore but, I would like to ask you to consider the question of young people (kids) getting into marble collecting. PLEASE read the post "Jabo hits one out of the park" and then ask yourself if kids should or would even want to be associated with what goes on in the reality show "As the Marble Turns" Mine, mine,mine, thief, thief, thief, and here we go agaln MONEY, MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY! Bye.
  3. What the H--- are you talking about that we are mistaken and misguided. That comment totally sucked. I understand that Smitty is tired of doing all the work involved in putting on a marble show. I truly believe it is a good show. I do not know what the rest of the club members do, as a matter of fact, other than Brian I don't even know who they are. Do they help? If we were all to help, which I noticed a lot of you have volunteered to do, what would you do other than make suggestions or come up with ideas such as flyers, auctions etc. that only pile more work and resposibility on to your promoter? He did say he was tired and I believe he is serious. Maybe he is reluctant to ask for help or that by asking he feels that he is placing a burden upon someone else. Other ideas are needed. I live 5 hrs away and there is not much interest in marble shows. I have asked other collectors, sellers and even a new marble maker and collector to attend the Buckeye Show with no results. They would rather keep them to themselves or sell them at a flea mkt or mall. Most flea markets will have marbles but it is always "show me the money" when you show any interest in them. Sorry about the $5 a quart bulk statement but $35 is what you can expect to pay at a flea mkt in KY. So Smitty you are losing money. In a previous post I refered to the SHOW part of collecting. I brought a large display case that holds my Peltier collection. What did you bring? I find it really cool when I get to see someones collection and can see the work they have done and how devoted to the hobby they really are, rather than a bunch marbles for sale. Theres that money part again. It just keeps on popping up as in your posts. As far as young people go! Marbles are not on the agenda. It would be nice to see more of them come to a show, but as I see it (and I am 65) we don't have to worry because in the end they will have all the marbles and we will have spent all the money on health care. So enjoy the kids and the marbles while you can. One young man (under 15) came to my room with his marble box and asked to look at some marbles. I decided to talk to him about collecting and he listened intently. I gave him a few Jabo marbles along with some Peltiers'. I also gave him a couple of Christensens' and told him to practice his selling technique with them. He spoke up and said that he had bought a Christensen for $40 and sold it for more than something like $140. Us older collectors have taught him "Capitalism at its best". Marble on! These have been and probably will be the only posts I have ever made and if I ruffled some feathers- Good ! I'm Done! The Negative, Mistaken, Misguided, and Tightassed and whatever else Ya'll can think of Green Gazer. s mitt
  4. MC, This was the first time I had an un shared room to set up. I apologise for being a poor host and I do remember your visit. My cases were labeled by the type of marbles that were in them. At one point I packed up and was ready to leave late wed. I must have been distracted and I am sorry. Should have poked me hard and asked to look. Others looked for over 2 hrs picking Alleys and Vitros. If you are ever marble hunting give me a call and come down and stay overnight and you will see most of what i have for No Charge. (859 356 9664). I remember a time when everyone contributed to a monetary collection and a gift card was bought and presented to the host of the Buckeye show to show our appreciation. Those days are past. Maybe this asshole(me) will use his tightass to shoot marbles into Lake Erie for the next generation of marble collectors. How do you know my ass is tight anyway and what happened to the separation of church and marbles. Green Gezer oops.... Gazer.
  5. Lets' face it. There were a few of us who did have NFS collections at the show that were brought to show off. Anybody who came to sell and did not pay there expenses, I would consider there on vacation. These marble meets mostly bring in collectors at the low end of marble collecting. Where are all the big time hoarders from the top of the marble collecting tier. Tier1-bulk, tier2-patches, cateyes etc., tier3-west virginia swirls, slags, tier4-Vitros, master,tier5-Akro,tier6- Peltier, tier7-Christensen and so on. Where are the collectors that look down on us as a resource to be used to add to thier personal collections. Do they promote marble collecting by selling from their room or setting up at the show. Do they help enlighten the little guy trying to learn or the few kids that might come to room hop with thier small box of marbles. At this last show there was a request for BULK marbles. These marbles are wanted so they can be put in jars and sold through antique malls @ $35 a quart. How many kids have that kind of money for JUNK marbles. The upper tiers of marble collecting are the Handmade, Navarre, Giant slag, box collector and rare marble collectors that would not even think about spending time with the tier1-7 collectors because THEY DON"T GET ANYTHING FOR IT. There are a few exceptions and if you room hop, you know who they are because they share. We should demand that these big time collectors open their closets and share their secrets with us instead of waiting for their marbles to appear on the big MMMMM internet marble auction pages. For those of you are in favor of charging a room fee for selling from a room BEWARE! this sort of infringement on our enjoyment of marble collecting will not be tolerated. I will pay full room rate but it will not be at a Buckeye marble show. So think of a better way! 98% of the marbles collected by me are NOT from any marble show. Marble ON! Green Gazer (Vern).
  6. To All, I have attended many Buckeye shows over the years I have been collecting, mostly doing the show and tell thing and buying some marbles. Two shows ago and this show I came with the intention to sell some marbles from my personal collection. In my own situation I have other responsibilities which I have to trust to someone else, at a cost of course. Most of us do. As far as selling goes, some say I did well, I say I did "ok". The marbles sold by me were marbles that I had spent nearly 20 years procurring. I say procurring because as most of you know, it is work. Most of the sales I broke even on, others I lost money on or made a small profit. The number of customers that bought from me number not more than a dozen or so. Its the same old song "NO NEW BLOOD" at the shows. I am sure one day it will be called the geriatric marble show, simply due to the comparing of ailments and prescriptions that goes on, (myself included). SMITTY, you do a fantastic job at putting together your marble show, but I believe the shows are seeing the end of an era and wil eventually become extinct. When I asked about joining the Buckeye Marble Club the response from you was " Why, you don't get anything for it". Guess you were really feeling down at that point. Show day I did not set-up but I did remain for most of the show. Bought a number of nice things such as a marble walking stick, some contemporary marbles as Christmas gifts, but those were out done by Griff's canned goods (pear jam) Oh so good!! All in all, in room trading was ok and the show from a customers point of view, was very slow. The old timers I worked with years ago told me " Better days are coming". Lets all hope so! and Smitty, you are appreciated more than money. Green Gazer (Vern).
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