To All,
I have attended many Buckeye shows over the years I have been collecting, mostly doing the show and tell thing and buying some marbles. Two shows ago and this show I came with the intention to sell some marbles from my personal collection. In my own situation I have other responsibilities which I have to trust to someone else, at a cost of course. Most of us do. As far as selling goes, some say I did well, I say I did "ok". The marbles sold by me were marbles that I had spent nearly 20 years procurring. I say procurring because as most of you know, it is work. Most of the sales I broke even on, others I lost money on or made a small profit. The number of customers that bought from me number not more than a dozen or so. Its the same old song "NO NEW BLOOD" at the shows. I am sure one day it will be called the geriatric marble show, simply due to the comparing of ailments and prescriptions that goes on, (myself included). SMITTY, you do a fantastic job at putting together your marble show, but I believe the shows are seeing the end of an era and wil eventually become extinct. When I asked about joining the Buckeye Marble Club the response from you was " Why, you don't get anything for it". Guess you were really feeling down at that point. Show day I did not set-up but I did remain for most of the show. Bought a number of nice things such as a marble walking stick, some contemporary marbles as Christmas gifts, but those were out done by Griff's canned goods (pear jam) Oh so good!! All in all, in room trading was ok and the show from a customers point of view, was very slow.
The old timers I worked with years ago told me " Better days are coming". Lets all hope so! and Smitty, you are appreciated more than money. Green Gazer (Vern).