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Everything posted by MrsMopar

  1. Yanno, I looked at the ones I call black cherries ( like the ones here: http://marbleconnection.com/i...st&id=14623 ) and instead of looking at them directly in the light, I had the light behind and noticed that a few had slivers of lines close to the surface and one looked like it was half clear red and half not clear almost looked black. If I remember right, there's also a green one. Can't seem to look at that one too well..it's got a spot that soap n water didn't get out...can I use CLR? Some of these marbles got rust on them from a piece of round metal (looks like a musket ball) that was also in the jar.
  2. WOW! One word comes to mind..psychadelic...they all have such a blend of colors...verrrrrryy kewl!
  3. That's so kewl. I know I have already picked some fave's out of these that we have here. Since they all were in an old pickle jar, I separated them into my own kind of catagories. Colors and design can surely attract you to one moreso than another.
  4. Hi, I'm new, I have an 8 yr old webtv unit and just am not able to use a Reply button on these pages...I am able, however, to use the Fast post. Is this due to advanced html or just a really old webtv that cannot do much? It even bounced me out several times yesterday before I found out about the Fast post. Thanks for any helpful information
  5. Ohhhhhh, I think I also have some of those dark red ones in Post #13..I call them black cherries...veryyyyyy kewl!
  6. This is great! And I think I finally found some matches to what I have here...the blue/white popsicle and the pale yellow/white meteor. It's a thrill to see what you have, unless my eyes are deceiving me then it's back to the drawing board...lol
  7. Very Kewl. Thanks for taking the time to make all these informational forums, especially being able to see pics :-)
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