Aiello thought you might want to know how to spell the last name ,and tks for posting us this is the first pic of us from the sistersville marble show that anyone has ever put up.
Love ya Edna
Sassy (Sherry)
hey cant seem to get the pics u put on of the sistersville fest this board is all differant now and i dont know what im doing any more on here, is there some place else to go to see the pics?.
I just aquired a marble today and i am not sure what it is . Im sorry i do not know how to put pics on ive tried and tried and well.blank lol. Back to the marble it is amber like swirl with some white and lite brown and blue but it also has copper like flakes in it the size is about 5/8 to an in. without a pic does anyone have any idea? and what are the flakes in the marble ?