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About Marbles4Case

  • Birthday 08/08/1977

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  1. Talk about a project!!!! Maybe one day some one will fill this lonely empty box...
  2. Regardless if old or new it is a jelly core all the way.
  3. http://www.usadisplay.net/antiques/marbles/marcrisflam.htm This link shows just 1 page of absurd prices, $6500 flame... You should check his $25,000 collection of slags for sale.... Kevin.
  4. You need to open a shop out on the east coast so I can actually drive to it...
  5. U better be there tomorrow if u want the good stuff. It will be going fast Randy... haha!!!
  6. Already got my room.... Flying in Tuesday and checking in the day after, ya! Got some pelts for you Chuck..
  7. lol, ask Randy too. I made my very first marble trade with him back in the mid to late 90's at the L.A. show. Don't think he was part of the club but he may no someone who was...
  8. Wow, and it is nothing like the one that just sold. Nice find...
  9. lol, you will get an awesome pelt i promise you... (well i hope you will think it is a pelt like the rest of us who have seen it)...
  10. LOL, unconfident bidding??? Have you seen the marbles being sold... Have you seen the 100% feedback? Speak for yourself. Just to let you know I am the ebay seller in question, been selling marbles on the bay since 2004, and I just like anyone else make mistakes. However I have never claimed to be an expert, I only have a decade of collecting under my belt, a dozen marble shows, and a lot more to go... Was the comic a repo? NO it wasn't. Did I make up a name on a marble I didn't know what to call it? Yes I did. Is that same marble similar to a marble king bengal, just a little bit. However in my hand it isn't, it is peltier all the way. I will gladly take back any marble the customer doesn't want. I am not here to screw over anyone. Kevin. P.S. Thanks zaboo, Stan and Sandee Case say hi to you guys.
  11. lol, "I" thought the name was pretty funny...
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