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Everything posted by Geko

  1. They could, but then again Peltier Primas look very similar to the CACs.
  2. The box in post #25 appears original to me with the row of something other than slags being Peltier prima agates.
  3. The common colors are, 1st color being base color 2nd being the patch color, white/green, yellow/red, white/blue, white,black, and yellow/green. Rare colors are Blue/red, Green/Yellow, and blue/yellow.
  4. Here are some items produced in the Peltier Glass factory other than marbles. Enjoy!
  5. Just got this big box. A little damaged but not to bad.
  6. I agree with Mike. Here is one of my Pelt white slag.
  7. I had these laying around. This one could be used for a knob on a radio.
  8. I think there was one on ebay not to long ago that went for $535 but its worth much more.
  9. Oh wow! Thats a No. 32 box. Very nice.
  10. Here are a couple of pics of my awesome Lucky Boy No. 28 slag box.
  11. Thanks clydetul62. I like those names.
  12. It has purple, white, yellow, green, brown, black with aventurine in both green and black.
  13. I just got this box and had enough NLRs to fill it up.
  14. To many names to chose from... What should it be called then????
  15. And it's also called a green hornet. 3 names for one killer pelt.
  16. I picked this Peltier up a few years ago at a flea market mixed with a bunch of multi-colored swirls. Some say its a green lantern, but others say geko.
  17. Geko

    Peltier Question

    Here is an example of what a prima is, but this example is lacking a lot of the white/grey color.
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