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Everything posted by kbobam
Definitely a "Kids! Don't Try This At Home!" situation, but still freaking hilarious!
I've been getting a lot of web advertising lately for devices similar to the one you can see in the link below. You don't need to click the link if you don't want to. It's an antenna slash booster device that supposedly improves cellular phone reception in your house. It's also very expensive. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00RHMFSC4/ref=dra_a_rv_mr_ho_xx_P100_100?tag=dradisplay-20&ascsubtag=6ad3422449f9ed07e3faf480cd70612d_S Tell me if you think I'm missing something, but here's what I think. There's some reason I can't quite figure out why cell phones don't have a simple little jack (hole) into which you have the option of plugging in an external antenna. You put a cheap little squiggle antenna like the ones car phones used to use on the outside of your house or apartment window. Run a short wire from that to the inside. Plug it into your phone and get reception (for you younger people, this means 'mega-bars') that's ten times better than normal. At 1/100 the price of the silly devices people are trying to sell me, and without introducing all this extra radiation, if you will, where I live. Going to shut up now. Please feel free to let me know if you'd like to hear me continue to go off endlessly about how silly most of our modern wireless 'needs' are, and make analogies to the old 'Cold War' situation where the Soviet Union had an incredible advantage by not automatically embracing 'modern technology' in a stupid automatic robot-like fashion. And as long as I'm 'preaching', make sure your kids learn 'real' history so they're not doomed to repeat it. Also have a great rest of the weekend! ( :
Closing theme from the Canadian television series 'Corner Gas'. If you've never seen the show, you might want to give it a try. Pick a random episode from 'the tube' and see what you think. If you're like me, you'll be awake for the next 48 hours watching all 107 episodes from the beginning. ( : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corner_Gas
So I bit him! That worked well. Gotta like it! (I just got the 'Steph has replied' indicator bar, so my message may be slightly out of order.) Edit: Nope! We're still good! ( :
Thanks for the responses. I don't think there'll be anything especially interesting here, but as a matter of principle I want to put myself through the exercise of adding a few more 'views'. I should have done this in the first place since this was mostly an ID question. One more of my many bad habits. I should know better by now. ( :
I've been binge-watching some hilarious Canadian television, and learned about Loonies and Toonies! These are the popular names for the Canadian one and two dollar coins. A little further research taught me that Canada has no paper money smaller than a fiver. They used to have one and two dollar bills, but these were phased out in the eighties and nineties respectively. The Toonie is pretty cool-looking, with its two differently colored metals. I've never actually seen one, which sort of surprises me. ( :
Excellent point! Although there's a plausible new theory floating around which shows some pretty good evidence that C and D may be the same thing!
Hey, Paul! Glad you're still up, although I hope you're not doing the insomnia thing like me. Thanks. Definitely happier in the belated situation. ( :
A big thanks to Mike for sending some marble mail and giving me a happy surprise when I was at a particularly low point! A big part of this low point was taking already troubled times and adding my 57th. (speaking of Heinz!) birthday to them. So it was terrific to actually feel a non-cynical "Happy Birthday To Me!" during this otherwise depressing situation. The marbles were described as mostly 'Dug Pelt', and I'm assuming this is one of them. Forgive me for adding to a discussion which I'm pretty sure has already been thoroughly covered, but I was wondering if this was a 'Ketchup and Mustard'. I'm remembering that "K&M's" need white and can't just be the red and yellow the name suggests. But I don't remember just how red the red should be. This marble seems to have mostly orange with 'ventures' into red. Although, to be honest, it looks pretty red in hand until you hold a seriously red marble next to it. And my photo isn't showing the red parts strongly enough. I've had similar thoughts/questions about 7ups. They seem to have many different orange/red variations. I don't know what to think. I guess certain situations are so "universally accepted" that we call them 'fact'. In other cases we're dealing with semantics and only the 'Marble Gods' know 'the truth'. (Hee-hee! This final paragraph made me feel like Doogie writing on his computer at the end of the show!)
Ha! Grilled Cheese Day is a new one on me! I love it! Must joyfully sing now! ♪ In a gouda velveeta, baby.....♪
You've got me wondering how many places I've effectively 'boycotted' over the years! I'm sure there've been quite a few, but I'm mostly drawing a blank. I did boycott Denny's many years ago, when my Eggs Benedict was served with 'cheese sauce'. I like cheese sauce. But that was just wrong. And I don't remember specifics, but I know I've seen the same situation you described many times. Why do restaurants always 'drop' the best things they have, and keep serving the crud? On a deeper level, I wonder if this is a: their fault or b: ours. Ding! It's c: the government's! Can't explain why, but we all know it's true! Somehow!
Radishes! I can't remember how to write 'shiver' in that dramatic way you do. Guys don't eat those. If they do, they're just being 'polite'. And the funny thing is that they really aren't all that bad taste-wise. They're just kind of ridiculous to us. But I really like the idea of the green beans with curry on rice. That sounds like something I might like to add some little tofu cubes to. And of course the steak-fingers sound great, but that dish struck me as something that would be delicious for non-meat people too. I figured out something recently I hadn't heard before. If you're dealing with the healthy and inexpensive rice that adds the 'no such thing as a free lunch' attribute of taking a long time to cook, you can put some of it in a jar of water in your ice-box for a day or so and reduce the cooking time a good amount. No different than what people often do with beans. Why has no one mentioned this? Change the water a few times while you're doing it, and you get the additional benefit of rinsing out the trace arsenic some people have worried about in recent years. It's a win-win! ( :
Missed this one! The internet and cable tv disappeared for a couple days. I was halfway through a slow painful death when they came back on this morning. Anyway, a to your disclaimer, and a to you in general. Oh yeah. I had some random conversation too. Paid a visit to my now ninety-six year old neighbor yesterday. She already had 'company' in the form of her son's dog. Dog-sitting has never appealed to her much, and one of the first things she said to me was "This dog is a big pain in the ass!" I was a little taken aback by this, since it would normally be her style to say something more like "...pain in the patooty!" I guess she's getting more 'laid back' as she gets older. ( :
I'm dying! It used to bother me when I didn't 'get' a joke immediately. But now I just appreciate how a bit of delay makes the laughs a lot louder. ( :
I may have done this before, but the original post also made me want to put in a personal plug for the tv show 'How the States got their Shapes'. This show was so much more interesting and fun than I expected it to be. It looks like you can find some of the episodes on 'the tube' if you want to check it out.
I was trying to be amusing, but just realized I was wrong. If you had some reason to be 'on the street', I have no doubt that you would make it. The other people there would pick up on the fact that you don't quite belong, but they'd love you anyway.
Hee hee! You probably knew, even as you wrote it, that I was going to give you some grammar-guano about that first sentence. But now, (you know, I really like that shift/enter technique!) having read further, it's so much more enjoyable to give you grief about the second! Where you couldn't help correcting yourself. As the old expression goes, you're a lady and a scholar. Which is wonderful. But you'd never make it on the street!
Gawd, you're such a witch with your emoticon skills! You already know I meant that in a nice way. ( :
I thought I was getting somewhere with a decent response here, but it was not meant to be. But I did find one page that I thought was pretty interesting in its quick blatant efficiency at describing different noodle types. Although the opening photo of a bowl of soup looks so ridiculously good that it ticked me off I didn't have the stuff to make it. ( : http://www.thekitchn.com/whats-the-difference-soba-udon-116505
Ha! Nice! I hope you know that the fact I couldn't help trying this myself in no way implies that I had any doubt that it would work! Probably the most important change that could be made to our educational system would be to teach kids early on that there are different ways to solve any given problem. We have millions of people in the world who think they're 'bad' at certain things. I'm convinced that this is often caused by teaching methods that imply there's only 'one way' to accomplish given tasks. Many of us might find that we're really good at things we thought we stunk at if we opened ourselves to the possibility that our radically different brains/bodies/souls simply require different 'learning approaches' and practical techniques.
I don't know if this was specifically mentioned yet. The Windows Notepad program is how I've been getting around the hideous way the new forum format does the 'spacing' of the text in messages. Typing your message in Notepad first, and then 'copying and pasting' into TMC allows you to avoid the often awkward typing until you run out of space on the right side of the page, and get the spaces between lines and paragraphs much more to your personal liking. Or maybe not! Give it a try and see what you think! And once you've pasted your message into the TMC box, you can use all the bold, italic, font size style color, etc., features to your heart's content. I'm going to repost this entire message now, but using the Notepad technique to do it the way I want to. I don't know if this was specifically mentioned yet. The Windows Notepad program is how I've been getting around the hideous way the new forum format does the 'spacing' of the text in messages. Typing your message in Notepad first, and then 'copying and pasting' into TMC allows you to avoid the often awkward typing until you run out of space on the right side of the page, and get the spaces between lines and paragraphs much more to your personal liking. Or maybe not! Give it a try and see what you think! And once you've pasted your message into the TMC box, you can use all the bold, italic, font size style color, etc., features to your heart's content. I'm going to repost this entire message now, but using the Notepad technique to show it the way I want to.
I may be in one of my goofy moods. But what I like about this photo is the tension that results from something just seeming wrong. Somehow I just expect a very cold environment to remain 'frozen'. Not a lot of sound or activity. Especially the sort of activity that would seem to involve heat, and probably lots of it. Similarly, I expect a very warm environment to remain 'languid'. So the identical yet completely different analogy here would be a volcano in Hawaii suddenly spitting out giant frozen hailstones.
I very much appreciate these terrific responses during my current persona non sana condition.
Ha! I like the indigestible idea a lot! Of course you made it even better with the humor of relating the word to the 'guts' idea. But what I like the most is the possibility of describing the thoughts or feelings that a person might be having as 'indigestible' to them. It's not a term that would normally be used, but I think it has some subtle meanings to it that would make it the 'perfect' word in some situations. ( :
Thanks. I know 'whining' isn't generally attractive, but like to think that it can sometimes be interesting if done well. It's a 'public tv' vs. 'network' thing. Not as instantaneously entertaining, but possibly, although not necessarily, of more long term 'perspective' value. I'd also like to think that when I occasionally spill my guts, it might be considered a sign of affection and respect for the people I do it in front of. Many terrific people here. ( :