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Everything posted by LouisCamp

  1. until
    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=7]The 15th Pride of the Prairie Marble Show And Room Trading. To be held on Oct 8th, 2005 At the Country Inn and Suites 217-872-2402 Located on Highway 51, just north of Interstate 72 In Decatur , IL Room Trading will begin on Oct 6th, Due to there being, so many shows, we are cutting down on table space We will be having this Show at the Motel, this time. There will be only 18 Table spaces So get your money in early to assure that you have a Table. Tables will be $25.00 each. Contact Info Chuck Garrett 217 422-8454 E-Mail [email protected] or Guy Gregg Ph. 217-795-4845 E-Mail [email protected][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. until
    Cliff is holding the 1st Marble Convention in Birdgeport WV Sept. 14th-17th. The Sistersville 37th Oil and Gas Festival will be held Sept. 15th-18th followed by the 6th Annual Sisterville Marble Festival Sept. 23rd-25th. It sounds like a good time to take that last minute vacation and enjoy all the festivities to be had during a short time frame and little travel time.
  3. until
  4. until
    The International Association of Marble Collectors The 'IAMC' has their show on July 20th to 23, 2005. Held at the Riverside Bestwestern in Tukwila Washington. Tables were sold out quite some time ago. It's a great show! Banquet is only 10.00 (or less!) and the Friday night auction is a lot of fun, and there's some great marbles! In-room starts on the 20th, with the show on the 23rd. The president Ernie Kirk and his wife Dani are awesome people. Don't miss it! [URL=http://www.iamc.us]IAMC LINK[/URL]
  5. Wow, just blows my mind. Great Pic's, great mibs! Wow. Lou
  6. Very sad news. I feel like I was punched in the gut. My condolences to Sue and the girls. Lou
  7. Hello Marble Collectors! We are planning another great marble meet in Walnut Creek, California SATURDAY June 25, 2005, starting from 10:00 a.m. to whenever! We will meet at The Keys in Walnut Creek, hosted by Sami Arim. This is a very informal meeting, and not just for club members, but everyone and anybody is welcome, and it is FREE! Please R.S.V.P. to Sami at [email protected] or myself, so we can get an idea of how many will attend. If anyone needs a ride from the Walnut Creek Bart Station, that is not a problem! The directions are listed below. There will be a discussion about forming a new club with an annual show in the Bay Area. We need everyone’s idea and feedback on this topic, so be prepared for this discussion. Hope to see you there! Steve Gorin Directions: The Keys - 400 Civic Drive, (The Club House) Walnut Creek, CA : Directions from 680 North: Right after the 24/680 Split, take the Ygnacio Valley Road Exit, go about 1/2 mile, then turn left on Civic Dr. Enter The Keys on right, about 1/4 mile down, follow the signs to The Club House. We can pick up people at the Walnut Creek BART station, which is very close!
  8. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=7]Tulsa Marble Show Sat June 25th Embassy Suites 1-800 EMBASSY or 1 918-622-4000 We will have the Norman Rockwell "Marble shooter" Ruth Loche, with us again.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=7]More information call Cliff Mitchell 918 341 8310[/SIZE]
  9. Okay, I figured out how to add the handles under the user names like we had on the old board. If you would like a name, post the name you want here. I'll add your "handle" and delete your message. If your message disappears without your handle being added, I screwed up, so post it again. Thanks! Lou
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