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Everything posted by rswife

  1. See everyone at the show.I hope the weather holds out for all.And becomes a very nice weekend.Be safe in your travels
  2. Hey Duffy.I think are cool as H***. Rich got some and I was surprized too see the colors.Chair did wonders..hehehehe
  3. It's part of one of the Special Runs.With lutz put in it as it went down the rolls
  4. Is living life to the fullest

  5. Thanks Steve.I know you Know what I have and thanks again.I sure wish you could make it.I know you would be surprized in what I do have..Huggs Dear, Tell the other half I said Hello. Chat soon
  6. sorry I didn't have a cam so I looked till I found what I had.if it's a problem please remove it
  7. I will be selling a very nice selection of my very best marbles.The sell will take place on Saturday 29th.In Marietta Ohio at the Ricky Dinks Flea Market.This Place is on the westside of Marietta Ohio.So I'm am welcoming any all to come and look at my Display.I will be showing all the special runs at Jobo.And also have some older one from Alley and Champion.Here a few I will have there.Have a very nice day all and be safe aways. Note: Photos of similar marbles to what I have.
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