I wanted to touch base with other collectors on the ethics of offering low ball Buy it Now offers to uneducated Ebayers.
When I first saw this marble on ebay..
I sent an immediate message asking the seller to please let it ride. I was interested in the marble and wanted to bid fair and square. The owner replied that he has already had an "incredible" offer at $400 and could really use the money. I told him that was a low ball offer and he replied that he would sell it to me for $600. I was in an ethical conundrum and really almost took the offer, but realized I was about to do what I just pleaded with him not to allow and ultimately let it ride. He wrote me a VERY kind thank you letter and I felt good about my decision.
Last night this auction popped up!
Needless to say I was interested. Again, I pleaded to not allow any low ball offers and even recommended someone like Zaboo to consign them. This morning....Auction has ended to item being "no longer available...." I know that the "score" of the hunt can be the most exhilarating part of marble collecting but is this really the way????
I'm interested in thoughts on this. Am I actually hindering the savvy collectors by playing the good samaritan or am I doing the right thing? On the same token, some of my best "scores" have been grossly underpriced "Buy it Now" auctions. I certainly did not send any messages, instead trying to frantically press "buy it not" as fast as I possibly could.