I never in a lifetime knew there were such marbles out there. I am of course refering to all the Unique, Brilliant, and swirls and ribbons of the marbles that I had NO IDEA even existed!!! Where do you get them how can a marble so old still have its brilliance and vibeance? How can you tell the age of a marble? How do you know if your marble is rare? I am sorry I ask so many questions, I have limited resources and though I have always had an intirest in marbles and just like collecting them it was not until my collection"got gone" and then a few years later a handful of marbles were given to me that I sat. The sitting happened about 9 days ago that I wanted to know anything and everything about marbles.How many different kinds of marbles are there? How many different color combos and patern combos be?
PLEASE KNOWLEDGE ME(i did find an online library where you can read whole books that had a couple marble books but they were 28-50 pages)& Thank you