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Everything posted by Nicemibs

  1. Status is I am Content!!

  2. Large Golden Rebels are AWESOME, I have that ones twin in the same size!! Nicemibs
  3. Nicemibs


    That is a NICE looking Pelt!!
  4. Here are a few more rare Peltiers for your liking!! Frist pic: Orange Submarine, Red Submarine w/ADVENTURINE Pink Panther??, Gray Flaming Dragon!! ever seen another? Second pic, Tracers Dragonfly, Chocolate base tracer, and Beautiful Yellow base tracer. third pic, Flaming Johndeere w/adventurine
  5. Here are some of my rareset Peltier's hope I'm not too late to post to this thread!! top row: a True Dragonfly NLR, Green Angel, Blue Bee loaded, bottom row: Green Tiger with adventurine, Blue Wasp loaded, Green Lantern Hope you like too many others ones to choose form. Nicemibs
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