Thanks for your feedback everyone.
Regarding the above query, first off the location thing (Mexico) doesn't mean didley. As indicated in my first sentence on my scenario example, "it's location is irrelevant"
The point I was making is in response to the confusion out there on Marble Boards (All Marble Boards) regarding what to call these newly run Alox marbles. Some wanted to call them Jabo in stead of Alox. They used reasoning for this because of the involvement of Dave McCullough, or the use of the Jabo factory or that others who worked on the run were connected with Jabo, that sort of thing. My argument - well it wasn't an argument more just facts - was that if you look at cars such as Jetta and Audi, they are made at the same plant, have the same workers and bosses, use the same material, and when they come off the production line there is no argument that a Jetta is an Audi or an Audi is a Jetta. It is simple: a Jetta is a Jetta and an Audi is an Audi. Just like a Jabo is a Jabo and an Alox is an Alox. Thereby naming these new run 3rd Generation Alox Marbles: Alox
I also added that if these marbles are sitting n your collection, it doesn't matter what any one else says, you can call them what ever you want - or words to that effect.
Hope that clarifies things for you.