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Northern Lights

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Everything posted by Northern Lights

  1. I didn't read all the posts but I sure enjoyed the pictures. Thank you for sharing everyone: don't Akro marbles just make you want more? Wayne
  2. Thanks for clarifying for me Ron - it means more than you will realize. And just to push the point across the line even further (with respect to your partial quote I have highlighted above, the use of my initial car analogy, and at risk of sounding like a broken record) Vw (Jabo) and Audi's (Alox) were made on the same assembly line (marble making machine) by some of the same people (Dave McCullough and others) yet they are unquestionably known for their own individual identity. Thanks again Wayne
  3. Thanks for the info Ron, but this post was not about misinformation, questions, jealousness, tall tails or lies. As you reiterated in you comments, and I stated in my original post, if they are your marbles call them what ever you want. I was merely providing some path to clarifying the discussion out there on what to call these marbles. You can also note that I said these marbles will be called what ever the people who reincarnated them want to call them. Wayne
  4. Thanks for your feedback everyone. Regarding the above query, first off the location thing (Mexico) doesn't mean didley. As indicated in my first sentence on my scenario example, "it's location is irrelevant" The point I was making is in response to the confusion out there on Marble Boards (All Marble Boards) regarding what to call these newly run Alox marbles. Some wanted to call them Jabo in stead of Alox. They used reasoning for this because of the involvement of Dave McCullough, or the use of the Jabo factory or that others who worked on the run were connected with Jabo, that sort of thing. My argument - well it wasn't an argument more just facts - was that if you look at cars such as Jetta and Audi, they are made at the same plant, have the same workers and bosses, use the same material, and when they come off the production line there is no argument that a Jetta is an Audi or an Audi is a Jetta. It is simple: a Jetta is a Jetta and an Audi is an Audi. Just like a Jabo is a Jabo and an Alox is an Alox. Thereby naming these new run 3rd Generation Alox Marbles: Alox I also added that if these marbles are sitting n your collection, it doesn't matter what any one else says, you can call them what ever you want - or words to that effect. Hope that clarifies things for you. Wayne
  5. I have been reading some threads lately that have centred around the issue of some newly manufactured Alox marbles and what or who they really are. Some people are quite passionate in their "labelling a name" on these marbles. Are they Alox? Are they Jabo? Are they Jaylox? Who's to say other than the people involved in their resurrection. I have an analogy I would like to share with everyone that might help you make up your mind. Of coarse, in the end, they will be called what ever you want to call them. Picture this: A car manufacturing plant: it's location is irrelevant. Their main item of manufacture is the VW Jetta. Coincidentally, this plant also spits out Audi wagons. A completely different car: and in the real world this plant exists (one location is Mexico - I own one of the cars). Different cars with their own uniquely beautiful options that attract one group of people versus another. Most important here is the fact that both of these care use some of the exact same parts - particularly the engine parts. In fact, some of the very same people assemble both cars at this plant: they even come off the same assembly line. The finished product is that these cars are uniquely themselves. One is a Jetta and one is an Audi. Why is so so different when we are talking glass? Clearly, by using these lines of thought they are unquestionably Alox marbles. It is clear to me. If ever I am blessed with seeing one of these 3rd generation Alox, I will be, in my mind, looking at an Alox - not a Jabo. Seems kind of straight forward when I look at it from that perspective. Let me know what you all think. Wayne
  6. Thanks for the feed back David - I think the people involved with or simply interested in Jabo are more on top of such matters than the companies of circa 1930/40. First off, I don't think these company's may have necessarily foreseen the collectibility of their marbles. Secondly, if they did and published such material, even if it was simply printed just for the time, it has thinned through the years and is scarce in it's availability. One thing I forgot to add in my original post was if this initiative is already afoot, disregard everything I just said: I was saying to myself not to forget, not to forget, not to forget the entire time I was typing out the post and of course . . . . . I forgot): Wayne
  7. Here is a simple question which I hope promotes a simple answer. Is a marble name only useful if everyone calls a specific marble the same name: if the answer to this is yes, then why has there not been any efforts by marble enthusiasts (people who are trying to promote and legitimize the marble collecting hobby - move it to the next level per say) to create, promote and circulate such a reference. If the answer to the above 1st question is no: then call your marbles what ever you want. Wayne
  8. Here are some of the rarest marbles in my collection. As mentioned above - they might not be rare in the real world but they are rare in my part of the world and in my collection. Hope you enjoy them. You may have seen one or two posted before. There is a Christensen Agate Multi Color Swirl, a Leighton (ID by Mr. Block), a Christensen Brick. and an old Vitro Parrot, Wayne
  9. These are all fine and dandy but do you have anything that is worth adding to a collection? (insert smiley face here) Are you kidding me? These marbles are out of this world. Thanks for sharing the photos. Wayne
  10. Hello sissydear, As a relatively new collector (2 years) and a newly proclaimed lover of Jabo marbles - after all they are what first attracted me to the hobby of marble collecting - I would absolutely support such a reference. Wayne
  11. Dispit anyones opinion - pro or con - this" Jabo Green Brick with Tail" is a beautiful marble well worth collecting. Wayne
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