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Everything posted by carnivalcolor

  1. I'd have to say that Champion is a definite possibility. That yellow more closely matches the yellow in mine than any other marble I've seen. Mine definitely has a more wispy, slag look than those, but that could just be a matter of variance in runs likely. Thanks for posting the pic!
  2. Can anyone help me figure out what this marble is? It appears to have white glass spun in a transluscent glass like a slag, but also has this bright yellow with the white. Some of the yellow rises to the surface like the white does is slags. Sorry about the pics, I need to get my digital camera out b/c my iPhone takes photos that have large file sizes and these were the only images that would compress enough to fly.
  3. OH YUMMY! I used to know where a patch of those grew when I lived up north (I would never reveal my secret place to anyone.) I would collect some every year. They don't grow down here (at least not that I've ever seen.) Sauteed in butter MMMM...
  4. how many do you need? Hand faceted or machine made? What condition (are you ok with some sub surface moons or do you want only mint ones?)
  5. Perhaps someone should ask her if she has the rest of it lying around somewhere.
  6. What about these two. They are not NLR types, so if that is a prerequisite they are out. They are even full of bubbles when backlit (only adding to the appropriatness of the name IMO.) If they don't qualify perhaps the name needs to be expanded. BTW if anyone could supply the qualifications for what makes a submarine for this thread it would be extremely helpful for those of us who weren't around when these names were hashed out or came into widespread use. (I got the opaque looking transparant part.) Do they have to be from a certian time period/NLRs? Does it matter what the surface colors are? so forth...
  7. Also, anyone answering Andreas question, could you please help us newbies out with a breif description of the characteristics? I see the photo (THANKS!) are those on vaseline glass (UV reactive?) What other features make an angel?
  8. Me too!! I'm taking double portions too!! (I could come back for thirds.) I just started collecting and pelts are the ones I am starting with. Love seeing pics of everyone else's, thanks!
  9. Great! Thanks. That makes absolute sense (and also explains an old medicine bottle that has been hanging out in one of my carnival display cabinets that I couldn't figure out.) Regards, scott
  10. Well, here I am again! I promise not to blow up the forum here. This time I don't really need an ID. This is a single pontil mica marble (The first pic shows the pontil.) Here is the thing I would like more detail about. This marble is irridized (carnival glass). Has anyone ever seen such a thing? Any idea who made it? I am an avid carnival glass collector (hence my tag) and have about 150 pieces from the turn of last century (Dugan, Northwood, Millersburg and Fenton are the makers I collect.) The process for making carnival would have been something I imagine not a lot of only marble makers would be equipped for. However, I have never heard of any of the carnival glass companies making marbles (though I suspect some of their base glass cullet eventually made its way to some of the marble companies.) This marble has a blue base glass. It also seems weird to have a marble with mica in it and then to irridize it. (Sort of seems like putting aluminum rims on your car and then painting them.) It has a lot of tiny surface hits and a large moon on the bottom (last pic). Likely not in the best shape, although I have a hard time telling what is damage to the surface, and what is mica. Last question, are there any other carnival glass marbles? (Old ones... not the new garbage that I see around.)
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