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  1. Some of these threads about Jabo and what came first, Julie or the DAS would make for some interesting indie TV...
  2. All, I remember from awhile back that someone on here besides myself is from Nevada. I can't remember the person's name though. Saw this on craigslist today, figured I'd post it. I'm not attached to the ad in any way. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/clt/4440664756.html Cheers, Steven
  3. I used to live in Ocean City. Thank you for posting that.
  4. Anything going on tonight or tomorrow? I only live a few miles from the Trop...
  5. I was going to go but the Aviation Nation show at Nellis is this weekend...kids chose jets over marbles...
  6. All, The marbles I bought and the marbles users on here donated last year provided a lot of fun for the kids at my children's Elementary School. The coffee cans are running low and the teachers have asked me if I can get some more to replenish the supply. The children are rewarded for reaching goals each week and the marbles replaced the junk trinkets they were handing out and some pretty serious games have broken out on the playground at recess. If you have marbles laying around that you would be willing to sell, please PM me. Keep in mind these are going to be played with by school children. Condition is not a concern. Thanks in advance. Steven
  7. All, The school year is coming to a close for my kids soon. We've been able to do some really fun things with marbles this year and hope to revive the club in the upcoming year and expand it to nearby schools. The PTA voted on and approved money for a two events next year. The kids are excited to say the least. That being said, I'm looking to buy some more marbles to give away to the kids as a parting gift for the summer. Before I go on eBay, I figured I would give you guys a chance to unload any unwanted marbles you may have laying around. These marbles will go to the kids and will be played with, won, traded, lost etc... So anything goes for type and condition... PM me if you have anything and let me know what you would like for them. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Steven
  8. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/clt/2374370589.html This popped up a few days ago... That's a part of town full of tweakers and crackheads, an odd place to be unloading a collection.
  9. Search on archive.org there are a few short films in the archive produced by and about the VFW, they include the marble tournament from the dates you're looking for.
  10. Can anyone tell me what kind of torch/kiln and tools went missing. I saw an ad for a complete setup here in town (Las Vegas) not long ago.
  11. "Hater" is kind of a slang term for someone who is negative. Those of us with younger children probably know more about that than we want to. I liked the marbles and to put it into a 9 year olds words, "that marble is beast"... PS - That's a direct quote...he really liked it too and was bugging me to bug you to sell it...
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